Chapter Nine

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                     Chapter 9 | Truth Or Dare

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                     Chapter 9 | Truth Or Dare


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄  to Danny's lake house was with nervousness and excitement. The chilly air nipped at my skin, causing shivers to run down my spine. I hugged myself, desperately trying to keep warm, but it felt like the coldness had seeped into my bones. Thankfully, Cole seemed to sense my discomfort and came to my rescue.

Jogging up to me, he swiftly got his jacket and wrapped it around my trembling shoulders. A grateful smile spread across my as I looked up at him, thanking him for his kindness. In that simple act, a connection sparked between us, and I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter.


As we entered the lake house, the atmosphere was filled with laughter and the opening of cans. Trying to shake off my nerves, I joined Erin and Olivia at the drink bucket, determined to have a good time. Shots were poured, and I downed them one after another, hoping to drown out my anxiety. But even with the liquid courage coursing through my veins, I still couldn't fully let loose and enjoy the boring party.

Just when it seemed like the night needed a spark, Danny suggested a game of truth or dare. The idea intrigued me, knowing it had the potential to liven up the atmosphere. The rules were simple: if you didn't want to answer a truth or perform a dare, you had to kiss the person on your left. The prospect of this twist sent a wave of excitement through the lifeless room.

After a few rounds, it was Cole's turn to choose between truth or dare. He confidently chose truth, and Olivia wasted no time in asking the question that had been on everyone's mind. "How do you feel about Danny taking your spot and number?" she inquired with a no good glint in her eyes.

Cole's reaction was unexpected. He shook his head, dropping his cup, and walked away in frustration. "Nah, fuck this game. I'm done," he muttered, clearly bothered by the question. ''That seems to be your new thing lately Cole''. Erin, ever so observant, couldn't help but comment on his recent motive to quit. Cole smirked at her, unbothered by her remark, but I could sense a deeper meaning to his actions.

Erin's jealousy began to rise her as she realized the attention Cole was giving me. "You wouldn't," she challenged, her tone filled with despite. "Oh, I wouldn't," Cole confidently dared her, a daring glimmer in his eyes.

Suddenly, everything shifted. Cole moved towards me, catching me off guard. In that moment, we both leaned in, our faces were centimeters apart. The air crackled with tension and I could feel my heartbeat quicken. Cole's hand gently cupped my face, and just as our lips were about to meet, disaster struck.

A sudden wave of nausea surged through me, causing my stomach to churn. Without warning, I doubled over, losing control of my body. The contents of my stomach spilled all over Cole's shirt, leaving both of us in shock. Embarrassment flooded over me like a tidal wave, and I couldn't bear to face the consequences of my actions.

I sprinted away, wanting to disappear from the scene of my humiliation. But amidst my frantic escape, I heard Danny's voice calling out to me. "Blair, wait!" he screamed, desperately chasing after me.

As I ran, tears mingled with my embarrassment, unsure of how I could ever face Cole again after such a mortifying incident.


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