Chapter Twenty One

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           Chapter Twenty One | Smoke Filled Truths

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Chapter Twenty One | Smoke Filled Truths


𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐓 home from the kiss, it felt like a heavy cloud had settled over us. I couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt, especially towards Alex, who had been nothing but supportive. I was supposed to meet with him, but there I was, making out with his brother.

Cole had been avoiding me all of a sudden. The next morning, he got a ride from Danny, the footballer, to school, leaving the rest of us behind. I couldn't understand what I had done to deserve this sudden change in behavior.

That day, I had a running competition, and to my surprise, Alex, Emily, and Skylar were all there to support me. Alex was especially supportive even bringing a flag to cheer me on, making me feel extremely guilty for what had happened between his brother and me. I won the competition, and after the celebration, Mr. Shoupe, one of my teachers, approached me in the hallway.

"Hey, Blair," he called out as he ran up to me. "Coach Collins said I might find you here." I replied, forcing a smile. "What can I do for you?" His request caught me off guard. "Cole didn't finish his essay earlier, and I was hoping you might get a chance to pass it along to him," he explained.

"Of course, I'll get it to him," I replied with a forced smile, trying to mask the unease I felt. Just then, Alex walked into the hallway. "There you are," he said, flashing a warm smile. "I knew I could count on you." Mr. Shoupe walked away, leaving me to face Alex's curious gaze. "What's that?" Alex questioned, noticing the paper in my hand.

I hesitated, not wanting to mention Cole. "It's an extra credit assignment," I lied, hoping to avoid any further questions.



Me and Danny broke into the football pitch to smoke some weed. "Where did you fetch that?" I questioned. "Cousin supplies me," Danny replied. He handed it to me, and I gladly took it, wanting to get my mind off everything and a certain someone, that being Blair Howard. It felt strange being on the football field again; it reminded me of everything I had lost as I looked down on the grass. Danny looked over at me. "You good, bro?" he asked, casting me a worried look. "It's stronger than you think," I replied sharply.

I lay down, feeling myself getting loose from the weed. "Look, man, there's something I've been wanting to tell you," Danny confessed. "I told Blair about Alex and Paige. And I also went around the school making up that rumor about Blair as well," he confessed. "I just wanted to let you know I still had your back," he looked at me.

"If it wasn't the rumor, it would have been something else, man," I admitted. "I would have blown my chances with Blair even without that rumor," I spoke again. "People just assume the worst about me these days. Blair thinks I'm just some guy that plays around with girls and that I could never treat a girl right," I said, annoyed. "That sucks for you," Danny replied.

"You know, my whole life I thought football was everything I was ever gonna get," I replied. "But then after my injury, all my chances were blown. I thought I had lost it all, I had nothing. But then I met Blair, and she showed me there's more to life than a stupid football," I said, sadly thinking about her again. "God, I love that girl."

The weight of my own words hung heavy in the air, and for a moment, silence engulfed us. Danny's eyes reflected a mix of empathy and understanding as I continued to grapple with my emotions.

As the effects of the weed began to kick in, I found myself consumed by a flood of conflicting emotions. Despite the haze in my mind, one thing was clear – Blair had managed to carve out a place in my heart, and the thought of losing her was unbearable.


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