Chapter Twenty Five

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           Chapter Twenty Five | Golden Moments

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Chapter Twenty Five | Golden Moments


𝐀𝐒 𝐈 𝐒𝐀𝐓 on my bed, the weight of Cole's words hung heavy in the air. Emily's attempts to console me felt futile against the turmoil brewing within. "Maybe he only said it because he likes you," she suggested, trying to lift my spirits. I shook my head, unable to entertain the thought that Cole's harsh words might have stemmed from anything other than genuine disdain.

"Anyway, I'm with Alex, well, at least I think I am," I confided, my voice tinged with uncertainty. Emily's eyes widened in surprise before softening with understanding. "You need to talk to him," she urged, her concern palpable. "I tried," I groaned in frustration, feeling the weight of unresolved emotions pressing down on me.


I had an interview for an internship I was hoping to get. Sitting in the cafe with the older woman, The interview had been going well until the interviewer broached the topic of my family and the accident. The memories flooded back, threatening to overwhelm me, and I struggled to maintain my composure. As the conversation took a wrong turn, I felt a familiar ache resurface, a reminder of the pain I had carried with me since that fateful day.

Then, unexpectedly, the interviewer posed an unconventional question, catching me off guard. "How would you describe the color gold to a blind person?" she inquired. The question seemed to hang in the air, suspended in the space between us. But in that moment, my mind conjured an image that eclipsed all other thoughts – Cole. His golden hair, reminiscent of the color she had mentioned, came to mind, and suddenly, he consumed my thoughts.

As I grappled with the unexpected intrusion of Cole in my mind, I found my response shaped by his presence. "I'd describe gold as a color that shines through the brightness," I answered, my words spoke with a warmth that mirrored the image of Cole in my mind. "Gold is beautiful, and looking at it puts a smile on my face. It reminds me that even in the dark colors, there's always a brighter more beautiful colour. Golden brings out the best in me. Gold symbolizes something of value, like a treasure you must protect at all costs," I concluded, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips as I thought of Cole.

The interview concluded on a positive note, and as I made my way out, I couldn't shake the lingering sensation that Cole's presence had colored my responses. His image had woven itself into my thoughts, leaving me with a sense of longing that I struggled to ignore.


I stood outside the café, waiting for Danny to pick me up after the interview, but there was no sign of him. Just as I began to worry, a familiar voice cut through the air, and without even turning around, I knew who it was. "New York," Cole greeted me with a smile, leaning casually against his old black truck, a vehicle I thought had been long out of commission.

Panic surged through me as I blurted out, "Where's Danny? He was supposed to pick me up." Cole shrugged nonchalantly. "Benny wanted him to read him bedtime stories, so you get me instead," he explained, offering a flimsy excuse that failed to conceal the truth. I knew that Cole had asked Danny to pick up Blair, but I chose to let it slide, my annoyance simmering just beneath the surface.

Ignoring the elephant in the room, Cole tapped his hand on the truck, seemingly eager to distract the conversation. "Almost a year of rebuilding the entire thing," he remarked, a hint of pride in his voice. I couldn't help but marvel at the dedication he had poured into resurrecting the old truck, a testament to his unwavering determination.

"I'm meeting Alex at the fair," I blurted out, hoping to shift the focus away from the unspoken tension between us. Cole seemed unfazed, seamlessly transitioning to a different topic. "Yes, I know. Okay, that's where I'm taking you," he announced calmly, catching me off guard. "Does Alex know?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued by the unexpected turn of events.

"You can relax; he knows," Cole reassured me, his voice tinged with a newfound sense of openness. "We had a good talk today," he admitted, his words hanging in the air, laden with unspoken implications. "About...?" I trailed off, hesitating to delve into the depths of their conversation. "About everything," he replied, his gaze unwavering as he met my eyes.

I wasn't sure how to process the revelation of Cole and Alex's conversation, the implications of which seemed to linger in the air, casting a shadow of uncertainty over our interactions. Nodding in response, I attempted to conceal the whirlwind of emotions that threatened to engulf me.

With a disarmingly charming smile, Cole motioned toward the truck and opened the door for me. "Miss," he said with a lighthearted grin.


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