Chapter Fifthteen

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                   Chapter 15 | Bonfire Confrontations

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                   Chapter 15 | Bonfire Confrontations


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 of the bonfire cast a warm glow over the group gathered at Silver Falls annual bonfire. As the night air filled with laughter and the scent of wood smoke, Blair couldn't shake the unease that had settled over her since arriving. The tension between her and Cole had been steadily building, and now it seemed to hang heavy in the air, tense and suffocating.

She stole a glance at Cole, who was sitting across the fire, his expression unreadable in the light. Despite the emotions filing within her, she couldn't deny the pull he still held over her, even as she attempted to focus on Alex, who sat beside her, his hand resting on hers.


Their arrival had been marked by the unexpected presence of Cole, and the uncomfortable ride in his truck here had only put a strain between them. Blair had felt his eyes on her the entire journey, but each time she wanted to meet his gaze, he looked away, leaving her with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

As she chatted with Emily and Skylar, the distant sound of raised voices caught her attention. Turning, she saw Alex and Cole locked in a heated argument, their words carried on the breeze. The mention of her name made her blood run cold, and as the accusations flew, Blair's heart constricted with a mix of confusion and frustration.

"Just stay away from Blair, man. She's too good for you. Run back to Erin or even Paige or Olivia. Blair deserves way better than you," Alex's voice rang out, laced with jealousy that took her by surprise.

The words hung in the air, and Blair's eyes widened in disbelief. She exchanged a bewildered glance with Olivia and Erin, who were seated nearby, their expressions mirroring her own shock.

"Are you okay?" Olivia murmured, concern etched in her features as she reached out to touch Blair's arm.

Before Blair could respond, the situation escalated further. In the flickering light, she watched as Alex's frustration boiled over, acting in a swift, violent movement. The crack of his fist against Cole's jaw.
Cole stumbled backward, his eyes flashing with a mixture of hurt and anger, and Blair's heart lurched. Pushing through the stunned crowd, she rushed to Cole's side, her hands reaching out instinctively.

"What the hell, Alex?" Blair's voice rose, edged with a rare note of anger as she turned toward him, her eyes narrowing in disbelief.

"Something I should have done a long time ago," Alex retorted, his own frustration evident as he met Blair's gaze with a challenging stare. "Stop being so childish," Blair shot back, her voice tinged with disappointment.

Turning her attention back to Cole, she searched his eyes for a sign of how he was truly feeling. "Are you okay?" she asked quietly, her concern genuine despite the tension that had come to define their interactions as of late.

"I'm fine," Cole responded, his tone laced with sarcasm, his gaze still dark and stormy. Blair's heart ached at the distance that had grown between them, and the weight of unspoken words hung heavy in the air.


💕Authors Note💕
Wow, we have reached 3k views!! I'm actually so beyond grateful for the support of I'm getting from this book. Thank you guys so much. I hope your enjoying the story so far. Merry Christmas!! Hope everyone reading has a great day tomorrow!! Thanks so much, Keep reading, voting and commenting.

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