Chapter Twenty Three

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                 Chapter Twenty Three | Breakdown

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                 Chapter Twenty Three | Breakdown


𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐃 through the crowded room, his senses dulled by the haze of alcohol, he felt a firm grip on his shoulder. Startled, he wobbled and turned to see Blair's concerned expression. "Sit down, Cole," she urged, her voice filled with both worry and authority.

"Blair, I gotta hit the head," Cole slurred, trying to shake off her grip. "Tell me what I missed when I get back, unless you want to help," he added with a mischievous wink.

Ignoring his attempt at levity, Blair watched him stumble away, her worry deepening. She knew Cole had been struggling lately, especially after the injury that had sidelined him from football. She couldn't help but feel a pang of concern for him, knowing that he was drowning his frustrations in alcohol.

As Cole weaved through the crowd, he felt another hand grabbing at him. Annoyed, he shoved it away, turning to see Will, his frustration evident. "Give me a break, Will," he snapped. "Jeez."

Shrugging off the encounter, Cole continued on, but his unsteady path led him to collide with the bartender, causing a scene that drew the eyes of the room upon him. Frustration boiled within him, and he lashed out, "Why are you walking around in the middle of her speech?" he shouted, pointing towards his mother, who was still talking, not fully coherent.

As he reached for another glass of wine, he felt Will's presence once again, trying to coax him away. But Cole was in no mood to listen, and a heated argument erupted between them. Just as he was about to retort, Blair appeared, her eyes flashing with determination as she pointed her finger at his chest. "Outside. Now," she demanded, leaving no room for argument.

Realizing he had pushed things too far, Cole looked at her and knew he had no choice but to listen. Reluctantly, he allowed her to guide him out of the crowded room, the cool night air hitting him as they stepped outside.


Once there, the effects of the alcohol caught up with him, and Cole leaned over, feeling sick as Blair moved to help him. "Leave me alone, Blair," he muttered, his head spinning.

"Come on, I know things have sucked without football," Will interjected, his voice tinged with understanding. "You could have gotten out of here," Cole shouted.

A bitter laugh escaped Cole's lips as he looked up at Will. "You're smart, you could've gotten out of here," he shot back, tears welling in his eyes. The pain of his shattered dreams resurfaced, and he found himself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, anger and sorrow warring within him.

As they argued back and forth, Will finally turned to Blair, urging her to leave Cole alone. But as Blair looked at Cole, her eyes filled with a mix of compassion and frustration, she knew she couldn't just walk away. There was more to this than just a drunken outburst.


💞Authors Note💞
I just wanted to say thank you for 10k read on this book just wow I'm beyond well as your feedback on my last authors note I've decided to keep the story going as I got a lot of positivity from it. Also the last few chapters I've decided to do Cole's POV, just as it's nice to change it up abit and see Cole's side of this and help understand his character. Thanks again guys!!!
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