Chapter Twelve

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                            Chapter 12 | Avoiding

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                          Chapter 12 | Avoiding


𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐒𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 been a bittersweet day for me. The once joyous holiday had become a stark reminder of the family she had lost. As she walked through the school halls, the festive decorations and cheerful chatter felt like a cruel reminder to her own feelings of emptiness.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Blair gathered her things and made her way to her locker. She was lost in her thoughts when a familiar voice disrupted her thoughts.

"Blair, wait up," called Alex, concern in his voice. "Are you okay?"

Startled by his sudden appearance, I attempted to put on a font. "I'm fine," I replied with a forced smile.

"You've been avoiding me, haven't you?" Alex's gaze was searching, as if trying to get the truth from my expression.

My guard went up instantly. "No, I haven't. I've just been busy," she responded, my tone defensive. I could feel myself wanting to escape the conversation, the weight of my emotions becoming unbearable.


Later at the lockers, caught in conversation with Skylar, a sudden interruption came in the form of a familiar voice. "Cole," Skylar called out, and I turned to see Cole standing right beside me.

Startled by his sudden presence, I felt my pulse quicken. "Hey," I managed to say, attempting to regain her composure.

"Need a ride home to New York?" Cole asked, a mischievous look in his eyes as he leaned in closer. "I'm going to Lark for the food drive," I replied, trying to maintain my cool despite the warmth of his presence.

"Suit yourself," Cole said with a smirk before walking away, leaving me feeling a curious mix of frustration and intrigue.


Later, as I was dropping off the last of the donated food with Erin, I received an unexpected phone call from Katherine, who explained that my uncle had come to surprise me at home. Inviting Erin to join her, I hurried home, my heart feeling lighter at the prospect of some familiar company.

As I opened the door, she was greeted with the sight of my uncle, and before I could process what was happening I was enveloped in a warm hug. It felt like a small flicker of warmth amidst the cold emptiness that had lingered within her for so long.

I couldn't deny the comfort I felt in my uncle's presence.


𝙂𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙚𝙣| 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙚 𝙒𝙖𝙡𝙩𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now