*** Chapter Twenty Six ***

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WARNING: This chapter contains sexual content!! If you are uncomfortable with reading smuts then don't read!! Thank you and enjoy.

WARNING: This chapter contains sexual content!! If you are uncomfortable with reading smuts then don't read!! Thank you and enjoy

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Chapter Twenty Six | First Time


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐑 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄 was enveloped in an awkward silence until Cole finally decided to break it. "This is gonna be a pretty boring car ride if none of us decide to speak," he remarked. I sighed, sensing the tension between us. "Fine," I responded, trying to ease the atmosphere. "How was Alex's competition?"

"A disaster," Cole said with a hint of disappointment. Concern creased my brow. "Why? What happened?" I asked, genuinely worried about Alex's performance.

"He struck out, but it's okay. You know, he'll want to tell you himself," Cole explained. As we continued along, the engine started making a strange noise, and then abruptly, the truck began to slow down.

Cole pulled over, and frustration creased his features. "Oh no," he muttered, clearly bothered by the unexpected turn of events. "Can you fix it?" I inquired. "I don't have my toolbox," Cole replied, clearly annoyed. "I could have gotten it if I didn't have to pick you up," he added, a touch of irritation in his tone.

Frustrated by his response, I retorted, "I see, it's my fault then." The tension between us mounted as I added, "Bet you really wish I didn't move here now, huh? You wouldn't be stuck with me in the middle of nowhere."

"I'll call Will to come pick us up," Cole said, seemingly disregarding my comments. "I've got no signal," he announced moments later. "My phone's dead," I exclaimed, growing increasingly exasperated as I got back into the car and slammed the door shut. The darkness outside was matched by the chilling cold that seeped into the car.

Cole remained outside, sitting on the engine, and I chose to ignore him, stewing in my frustration. Suddenly, I jumped as he tapped on my window, holding up a blanket. Reluctantly, I rolled down the window, and he placed the blanket on my lap. "Thanks," I murmured, feeling the warmth from the engine. "You could come try," Cole suggested innocently.

"I'm fine," I insisted, my pride getting the best of me. "Suit yourself," he replied, walking away, his mood evident.


I got too cold so I got up onto the engine with Cole. The cold seemed to seep into my bones as I lay there beside Cole, under the blanket. The biting chill of the night air was a stark contrast to the warmth I felt emanating from our shared moment. I turned my gaze to him, his eyes reflecting the moonlight, and I could sense a storm of emotions brewing beneath the surface. ''How was your interview?'', he asks.

"It was going really bad until it turned around on the last question," I began, breaking the silence. "She asked me to describe the color golden. I told her gold shines through the darkness, and it symbolizes a treasure that must be protected at all costs." ''And it's funny because as I was describing golden all I could think about was you''.

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