Chapter Twenty Two

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                   Chapter Twenty Two | Intoxicated

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Chapter Twenty Two | Intoxicated



Me and Danny stopped off at the cafe, completely out of it from the weed. "Right, I gotta go booty call," Danny laughs, as he gets up to leave. I sit there, still feeling the effects, when next thing I know, Kylie comes over.

"You smell like smoke," she remarks with a smirk. "This is weird, isn't it?" I say. "Us talking, like you're Alex's best friend," I add.

"Alex doesn't dictate who I talk to," she replies nonchalantly. "You know Blair, right?" I ask her.

"Rings a bell," she says sarcastically.

"Her and Alex are not right together. I mean, they don't even make sense," I blurt out. "They aren't?" she questions, giving me a confused look. "Why not?" she asks, growing interested.

"Come on," I laugh. "I know you're into Alex. I'm not gonna judge," I say, putting my hands up in defense.

"It's okay. I get you. I mean, like I'm into Blair, and it kills me seeing her with him. Why can't I just get the one girl I have true feelings for? God, Blair. She's really got me wrapped up, you know? I can't think straight without thinking about her," I moan, feeling the weight of my emotions. "Ugh, I'm hungry."

Kylie brings me over a pizza. "Thank you," I smile, grateful for the distraction.


I'm woken up feeling awful by my brother Danny. "Ugh, shut up," I moan.

"Sorry, am I making too much noise, princess?" he says sarcastically.

"I didn't get much sleep last night, alright," I plead, just wanting to be left alone rather than dealing with other people right now.

"Well, get your act together for Mom's awards thing," he insists, his tone more serious. "Yeah, Mom's awards thing. Got it," I groan, just realizing that I'll have to face everyone tonight. I throw the covers over my head, trying to block out the day that's about to unfold.



I look at myself in the mirror, not wanting to go to the awards night. Then I look over at my desk, seeing the assignment I still need to give Cole. Thinking about him again and how he's still avoiding me for no reason. I try to think back to what I actually did to him, but I can't figure out why.

I walk down the stairs in my wine satin dress, feeling the weight of the evening ahead. I notice Alex's eyes on me, and I try to put on a brave face, smiling as he looks at me in awe. "Let's go," he says, breaking the moment.

We're all at the table eating dinner, but something's missing, and that's Cole. I look at his empty seat beside me, wondering where he is, worried about what's been going on with him lately.



I sit in the van with Danny, the dim glow of the streetlights casting a somber atmosphere around us. The weight of my troubles feels heavier tonight, and I find myself drinking away my sorrows, seeking solace in the numbing embrace of alcohol.

"I'm too wasted to go in right now. I'll ruin the night for everyone once again with my stupid actions," I murmur, my words slurring together as I lean back against the seat.

My phone bings, breaking the heavy silence inside the van. I fumble for it and squint at the screen, the bright light momentarily blinding me. It's a text from my brother, Will.

"Are you coming?" the text reads.

"Are you going in, man?" Danny questions, his voice tinged with concern.


I stumble out of the van, feeling the weight of everyone's heavy stares on my drunken state. The warm glow of the awards night spills out into the night, and the air is filled with laughter and music. As I step inside, the first person I lay eyes on is Blair. She looks beautiful, as she always does, and my heart skips a beat at the sight of her.

I make my way to the bar, grabbing a wine glass from beside me. "I'd love some of that wine," I say to the bartender, flashing my glass with a lopsided grin.

I sit down, acutely aware of the tension between us. The atmosphere is thick with unspoken words, and I can feel everyone's eyes on me, judging and observing.

"Maybe you should stick with water, Cole," Alex is quick, his tone laced with sarcasm.

I can't help but bristle at his comment. "Maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself, Alex," I retort, my words sharper than intended.

I down the wine in one shot, feeling the warmth spreading through me. Before I can reach for another glass, Blair's voice cuts through the air, her words filled with an unexpected authority.

"Maybe you should both behave yourselves for your mom's sake," she says, her gaze steady and unwavering.

I find myself captivated by her presence, unable to tear my gaze away from her stunning face. The room spins around me, a dizzying whirlwind of noise and movement, and I reach for the whiskey, pulling a flask from my shirt pocket.

"Leave me alone," I mutter as my brother, Will, tries to stop me. "It's like a party," I reply, my words slurring with intoxication.

As the night wears on, I feel myself slipping further into a drunken haze. The room blurs around me, and I struggle to keep my balance as I lean back in my chair. "She sounds really good up there," I mumble to Will, my thoughts muddled and fragmented.

"Cole, pull yourself together," Will demands, his voice filled with concern and frustration.

I attempt to sit up, but a gentle hand on my arm stops me. I look up and meet Blair's gaze, the concern reflected in her eyes.


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