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“That's not suspicious as hell” Talia muttered, watching Scott and Mr. Yukimara dragged Tracy's body out of the school. Malia and Stiles opened the door for them, leaving Liam and Talia behind.

“Are you okay?” Liam gently grabbed her wrist, blood dripping alongside deep nail marks pressed to her skin.

“I'm fine” she gives him a reassuring smile, but his lips still press in a thin line, concern evident in his eyes.

“I'll take you to the nurses office” he says kindly.

“I don't need the nurses office”.

his brows furrow.

“C'mon” she lightly leads him to the locker room.

“Should you be in here?” Liam asks softly.

“Everyone's in class” she shrugs, making her way to the sinks. She brings her arm under it, washing off the blood as she lightly massages her stinging wrist.

“You sure you shouldn't go to the nurse”.

Talia simply smiles, bringing her hand to her wrist, muttering a spell. A small glow erupts before the claw marks fade as if they had never been there. “A witch, remember”.

“Right” he nods.

“We should get to class before we get another absence”.

Liam raises a brow “We have to go do something first” he steps out of the locker room Talia following close behind.

“Do what exactly” Talia scurried to follow the wolf.

“Well Tracy’s a werewolf right”.

Talia nods “so what”.

“So a werewolf always has an alpha, who's the only other alpha we know in town” he glances to the blonde.

“Satomi” Talia mutters in realization.

He nods “That's why we're getting Mason, and we're talking to Brett”.

“And I have to miss class for this”.

Liam stops in his steps, turning to the girl, and he gives her a warm smile. “Yes” he grips, her hand gently leading her through the halls.


Mason smiles “so he's a werewolf too” he asks. Liam stands, his lips pressed in a thin line as he stares at Brett, the boy practicing lacrosse with a few other boys.

“Yup” he mutters, folding his arms to his chest.

“This just gets better and better,” Mason mutters. Talia had to admit she understood Mason. Brett had a nice build, and the wolf looked good. A cocky smile pried his lips as he scored a goal. He stood shirtless as he walked over to the bleachers, dropping his gym bad.

“C'mon” Liam mutters, making his way to the boy.

“Hey” Liam greets.

Brett turns his eyes to the trio “hey” he greets “Talia” he nods, smiling to her.

“Hey we kinda need your help with something” the blonde says.

“What is it?” the werewolf asks, rummaging through his bag.

Liam pulls out his phone, showing a picture of Tracy Stewart. Brett glances over “cute but never seen her”.

“You sure ” Liam asks “there's no way Satomi could have turned her without you knowing”.

SPARKS FLY; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now