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-'CHAPTER 16´-

The night felt ominous as fog coated beacon hills, only fueling Talia's cold. She shivered lightly, leaning more into Liam as he sat warm next to her. Scott had come up with the plan to guard the school, protecting Hayden, who stayed with them. With the help of the others, they had set up frequency boxes to help take down the dread doctors when they eventually came to collect their experiment. It had been about 2 hours already, and no one had shown up. Talia tried to decipher if that was a good or bad thing.

Scott lightly tapped his finger to his jeans in anxiousness while Lydia sat tired with drowsy eyes.

“Can't sleep,” Liam muttered questioningly.

Talia sat next to the boy, her head laying on his shoulder, but he didn't seem to mind as he gently held her hand, rubbing his thumb to her palm.

“Not really” she replied softly. Her eyes went to Hayden, who sat across from them drifting off to sleep herself.

“Worried” he inquires.


Hayden suddenly jolts up from her sleep, all eyes go to her, and Talia sits up with concerned eyes. “You okay?” she asks softly.

“I'm sorry, I just remembered,” she turned to Scott. “I forgot my pills, there in my locker just down the hall, I can go get them myself”.

“No” Scott speaks up “that's okay. I can get them. What's your combination”.

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“Should we check on them?” Talia murmured worriedly.

“I think that would defeat the purpose of us staying to watch Hayden” Liam points out. Despite the fact that Lydia followed behind Scott, Talia still felt worried for her friends.

“Scott's an alpha and Lydia is a banshee” Liam reassures “I'm sure they'll be back in a moment”.

Talia nods, eventually taking a seat as she waits.

Liam stands, his head whipping toward the door. “Did you guys hear that?” he asks fearfully.

“What” Talia tilts her head standing.

“They're here” Hayden mutters fear, lacing her voice.

Liam and Talia share a look, Liam, taking a step forward while Talia hangs back, stepping in front of Hayden, who looked worried.

“Scott” Liam called out “Malia”. The lights flashed from the window of the door before the light creak filled the air. The door opened wider and wider until it revealed a dread-doctor, draped in a long brown coat and a mask with tubes coming out of its mouth. Similar to the night at the club, he was shaky as if he were glitching.

Liam puts a hand out blocking the two girls as Hayden takes a step back, her body hitting the lockers. Liam and Talia both took a step forward, looking ready to fight until about four more doctors appeared in the doorway, their metal clinking with each step.

Liam takes a step back until all three of them are backed into the lockers.

One of the doctors threw the frequency box that was supposed to stop them to the ground, destroying it. “We're at a frequency you can't quite imagine” his deep robotic voice chimes.

The doctor takes another step forward, and Liam lets his claws out as Talia lets her magic flow to her hands, the beta and witch, both not planning to go out without a fight.

SPARKS FLY; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now