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Even though Talia wasn't exactly familiar with Satomi's pack, she had still come to help, no matter what, they were just like Scott and his pack, supernatural who were being hunted

“So you're some magic healer” Brett questions as Talia grazes her hand over his shoulder wound, mumbling a healing spell. The blonde was feeling tired, but she pushed it away, continuing to hear the injured pack who all resided in an old warehouse Kira had taken them to.

“A witch” she confirms. Brett simply nods before speaking again. “Thank you,” he mutters. “You and your pack really don't have to help mine, but you are, so thanks”.

Talia smiles lightly, finishing healing his wound “it's what we do”. Allison's voice rings in her head. “We protect those who can not protect themselves”.

Talia stands shaking off the lingering sadness at the thought of her sister before Brett speaks again “the whole bugs in our bags that were pretty funny” he smiles, remembering the day they had met.

Talia smiles sheepishly, remembering despising the boy at the time.

“Get some rest you look like you need,” the werewolf tells her. Talia nods, not disagreeing. She always felt tired after using a lot of magic. She usually looked it too with dark circles under her eyes.

Talia had curled up in a corner, closing her eyes as sleep quickly fell upon her.

The blonde's eyes fluttered open at the feeling of someone shaking her lightly. She opened her eyes to see Chris.

“Hey dad” she muttered, rubbing her eyes. He handed her water.

“You should wake up. The fight’s going to begin soon,” he says.

She nods “I'm ready”.

“Remember to stay close, even if you're a powerful witch, you're still my daughter, and I'm still going to protect you” Talia nods, smiling lightly as Chris helps her stand.

The two walked back over to the group as everyone was preparing for battle, it seemed the assassins were going to attack tonight trying to kill whatever supernatural they could and everyone was prepared to fight not wanting anyone else to die.

Derek approached the drowsy blonde, handing her a dagger. “Just in case” he gruffs.

She takes it, the weapon familiar as her father, and Braeden taught her how to use it more than once. It turns out the woman Derek was with was named Braeden, a badass human who fought very well. Her father was an experienced hunter, so if something failed with her magic, she would trust herself with a dagger.

The assassins came at dawn, many many assassins in body armor who carried guns and shot on sight. Talia just barely avoided certain shots as she used her magic to throw back many soldiers. She fought alongside Scott and the others, making sure her alpha and father were okay above all.

As Talia roamed the battlefield she saw a brunette wolf she saw with Brett the other day, she remembered healing the young girl, the brunette had her eyes squeezed shut a tear falling down her eye as a gun was pressed to her head.

Before the assassin could click the trigger, Talia threw the man away from her before Scott appeared punching him in the face. His eyes glow a Crimson red as he snarls, slashing at the man.

Talia grabs the girl, pushing her behind her as more soldiers appear. Talia mutters a spell, throwing them away from the baby werewolf. Eventually, the sound of buzzing phones filled the atmosphere. Talia turns back to see Scott holding up a phone to the assassin. It read a message from the benefactor. “All contracts have been terminated”.

SPARKS FLY; Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now