Book 5: The Great Prophecy

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"Ahh, nephew, it is so good to see you after so long!" exclaimed Chiron, welcoming (Y/N) with open arms as he magically appeared in the old centaurs office. "Thank you so much for that map last month, it's really helped us speed up work."

Alright, so he may have sent his work to get completed by the Greeks. But the Romans were already stressed enough and Camp Half-Blood could do with a challenge.

"It's been to long uncle," commented the god, embracing his mentor with equal warmth.

"So, how have you been? I'm sure it's been wonderful having more than a week or two out of camp and away from this mess!"

The war clearly had an effect on the old horse man. His beard was more grey and had clearly grown out. The son of Asclepius plumped down in nice arm chair.

"Well, there's been a lot happening."

"A lot of positive stuff?"

"Depends on your point of view, but I'd say with certainty that it's all been worth it."

"Are you permitted to tell me any of it?"

"Certain bits yes, others would probably get me the Prometheus treatment."

"Ahh. Perhaps you should avoid those parts."

Summoning a glass of water, he took a long drink to wet his throat.

"Well it's a long story."

For the next five minutes, he explained everything that had happened over the last several months. A few raids on titan bases, plenty of brunches and bar nights with fellow gods and he brushed over the fact he was now married. He didn't say anything about his daughter, but Chiron narrowed his eyes at the marriage part.

"And who may be the one to have your hand in marriage?"

A flurry of memories with Bellona flew through his head. Dinner dates, movie nights (the goddess had somehow never watched a movie before), sparring sessions... Kassandra.

"I should probably keep that anonymous."

Chiron shrugged his shoulders, "Alright then. As long as you're here and healthy. Although it's a shame I missed the wedding."

"I truly wanted you to be able to attend Chiron. It was just that Jup- Zeus had other plans."

"Well I'm sure I'll get to meet the lucky lady in the future. Now, back to business. There's been a bit of a situation between the Ares and Apollo after a recent raid-"

As Chiron began to fill him back in on everything he had missed, his favourite Chase burst through the door.

"Percy's here!" She looked at Chiron wildly before acknowledging (Y/N). "(Y/N)!"

She practically leapt into his arms and suffocated him with a hug, to which he reciprocated.

"How are you book worm? Still having to deal with the Stolls?" He leaned in to whisper, "Told anyone about my ascension?"

She shook her head.

"The Stolls are insufferable, but no, you're secret's still safe."

He needed to tell the rest of camp about his promotion to godhood. Holy Hera that was a long time ago.

Chiron rose from his wheel chair, slinging his bow around his chest and revealing his white horse hair coat.

"Best go see what this is all about then, bad news always follows Jackson."

Down at the dining pavilion, he could already see a boy with raven hair swamped by campers.

"Percy!" called out Chiron. "Thank the gods. But where..."

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