Chapter 6 - Fragments of hope

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Hope is a seed residing within us.

It shall flourish when nurtured by our belief.

Nevertheless, should we allow our fears to dictate our course,

it withers and perishes, extinguishing every prospect of a brighter future.

Cat - present

Cat followed the alpha down the corridor leading to the floor with the sleeping quarters. The bunker's interior was impressively neat and organized. Yet, what puzzled her was the eerie absence of any signs of life, suggesting the presence of any other inhabitants. Could it be possible that the alpha resided alone in this vast underground shelter, with only his omega and the omega's two children? Cat found it hard to fathom. After all, it was safer and far more efficient to be among several individuals who shared similar thoughts and life perspectives. In the event of an attack, it would undoubtedly require more than a lone fighter to fend off a horde of forsaken.

As she contemplated these thoughts with growing irritation, Cat followed the alpha into a dimly lit bedroom at the end of the hallway. The room smelled of vomit and sweat. Casting her eyes about the room, Cat's gaze settled on two children huddled closely together on the room's sole chair. They were looking in her direction with wide eyes, eyes full of worry and fear. To reassure them of her benign intentions, Cat smiled warmly at the children. After all, she had come to help.

Then she spotted the sick omega. He was lying under a mountain of quilts. Only the head peeked out, and Cat could not see more than a black mop of hair. The omega appeared to be either unconscious or in a deep slumber, both unsettling indications.

Upon closer examination, Cat noted that the omega was unnaturally warm to the touch. Acting swiftly, she gently removed a few of the blankets, prompting a sudden outcry from one of the children.

"What are you doing?" the boy exclaimed, leaping to his feet. "Papa is freezing!"

Cat placed her hand on the omega's forehead, which was radiating heat.

"Your papa has a fever. Too many blankets can be harmful in this situation," she explained.


Cat was deeply moved by the boy's eagerness to care for his father.

"Jarin, let the woman do her job and remain quiet," the alpha intervened, his tone stern.

Jarin winced, his face contorted with a mix of hurt and regret.

"Sorry," he muttered softly, tears welling up in his eyes. Cat couldn't help but feel a surge of compassion for him; it was undoubtedly a challenging situation for the young boy.

The alpha had given Cat minimal information about the events leading up to her arrival. She knew only about the nature of the injuries, and it was apparent to her that the wounds had become infected. A cursory glance at the omega's forearms confirmed her suspicions; some of the burn blisters had ruptured, presenting a grim sight. They were oozing ominously and surrounded by dark red, inflamed edges. Cat had to act quickly to prevent the onset of blood poisoning.

"How long has he been in this condition?" Cat asked, her concern evident.

"For five days," the alpha replied.

"What? You waited that long to seek help?" Cat's tone carried a note of anger. She couldn't help but despise it when alphas failed to take proper care of their omegas. The alpha simply shrugged, displaying a dismissive demeanor in response to her accusations.

"Cahya, Jarin, we're leaving. Let's allow the lady to do her job," the alpha declared, emphasizing the word "lady" with a condescending tone.

Cat clenched her jaw, restraining herself from hurling any retorts at the alpha that might result in her expulsion. The omega in this room needed her expertise, and her pride and sharp tongue wouldn't serve the already tense situation well.

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