Chapter 13 - Every day is a new chapter of discovery and growth

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Parenthood is accompanied by a multitude of challenges.

Frequently, it seems like confronting an unanticipated daily test without preparation.

However, irrespective of the situations that unfold and the doubts or fears that may arise,

ultimately, you discover a path to overcome everything.

There are moments of success and times when things don't go as smoothly.

Such variations are inherent in the experience of being a parent.

Alec - present

"Are you really the father of two pups now?" Jace inquired, his tone calm and relaxed, as though he weren't amid his tenth kilometer on the treadmill. Alec had always marveled at his brother's endurance—able to run kilometers without breaking a sweat.

"Seems that way," Alec responded, executing another sit-up.

"I had a hunch they were yours right away," Izzy chimed in. She sat on one of the exercise bikes, navigating through a challenging mountain course. "The boy looks just like Max."

Alec completed another sit-up and placed the hefty medicine ball on the training mat. Reaching for his water bottle, he took a few eager sips. Some fast-paced pop music Izzy had selected blared from the speakers.

"How are you feeling about it?" Jace continued.

Alec shrugged.

"I'm not entirely sure," he admitted honestly. Being the father of two pups excited him, that was certain. It had been his dream for a while. However, the suddenness of it all, without time to prepare, overwhelmed him.

"I'm thrilled, of course."

"But?" Izzy probed.

"Everything is happening so quickly," he confessed. Lifting the medicine ball in his hands, he turned it. "And I feel like I've missed so much."

An understanding look appeared on his siblings' faces, and an unfamiliar sadness engulfed Alec. Questions flooded his mind. How old were the twins when they got their first teeth? Who took their first steps? What was their initial word? What foods did they prefer? What movies did they enjoy? Or what were their hobbies? Alec realized he wouldn't be able to create personal memories for all these questions. Time couldn't be rewound, as much as Alec wished for it at that moment. He let out a soft sigh. Magnus had offered to share the missed years. Eventually, Alec would likely take him up on that offer to fill in the gaps. Someday...

Alec stood up and returned the heavy leather ball to its place on one of the equipment shelves.

"How did John react?" Jace asked.

Alec reflected on the conversation he had with John the previous evening. As expected, his omega had received the news that he was now indeed a father and already had children with another omega, with mixed feelings. As always, he had tried to show understanding of the situation. Alec noticed that John had struggled more this time to maintain his typically harmonious and selfless demeanor. When Alec emerged from the bathroom, John was already in bed, facing away from him... Uncharacteristicly.

"John, is everything okay?" he asked, though he could sense it wasn't.

"I want to sleep," came the quiet response from his omega.

Alec got into bed and turned to face John.

"Can I at least have a goodnight kiss?" Alec asked. It was part of their bedtime ritual.

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