Chapter 24 - Time passes, but love remains

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Sometimes it's better to take small steps

than to climb the mountain in a day.

Time heals wounds.

Patience brings you the happiness you're waiting for.

Everything happens in its own time.


Alec didn't know how much time had passed. Something had changed. It took a moment for him to realize what it was. He heard voices. Familiar voices. Yet, he couldn't understand them. They were too distant, as if shrouded in a fog. Alec looked around. The deep darkness still surrounded him. He wished he could escape this darkness that swallowed everything. He had lingered in it for too long.

His senses sharpened. He heard sounds. Machines beeped in a regular rhythm. Someone called his name.

It was...


His voice was barely more than a whisper and sounded rough. The desire and longing to finally open his eyes were so strong that he fought with all his might. His eyelids fluttered, and finally, he succeeded.

He woke up.

Alec blinked against the light filling the room where he lay. Everything was blurry around him, and he could only see a blurred figure bending over him.

"Alexander, can you hear me?" asked the figure.

It was Magnus. Alec wished he could see him clearly. His body felt heavy as though immersed in a sea of warm cotton. He wanted to move, to raise his hand, but his limbs resisted. Frustration overwhelmed him. Alec tried to speak again, but this time, no sound came from his lips.

Magnus was holding his hand and squeezed it gently. Alec felt the warmth of his touch, it was grounding him.

He blinked, and slowly his vision cleared. Magnus' face became more distinct. Alec could see tears shimmering in his eyes, but a smile was etched on his face.

"Water," Alec requested.

Magnus nodded.

"I'll be right back."

Magnus released his hand, and Alec immediately missed the touch. He tried once again to move and sit up, but it was as if he were trying to pluck the moon from the sky.

Frustration pressed him deeper into the pillows, and he gave up his efforts, waiting for Magnus to return. Fortunately, it only took a few moments. Magnus helped him take a few sips of the cold, clear water, a relief for his dry throat.

The omega placed the glass on a small table beside his bed and sat back in the chair that was standing next to his bed.

"You're here," Alec said as loud as he could. His voice was still weak and hoarse. He tried to understand what had happened. The last thing he remembered was the news that Magnus and their son had been kidnapped by Nate.

Magnus smiled at him.

"Your team saved me."

Alec was relieved to hear that.


"He's fine too. Both of our pups are okay."

Alec reached out his hand. Magnus noticed his efforts, got up from the chair, and sat on the edge of the bed. The omega took his hand, and immediately, Alec felt better.

"What happened?" Alec asked.

Before Magnus could answer, someone entered the room. Alec turned his head. It was John.

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