Chapter 12 - Crazy Freaks and big love 🔞

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Boun and Prem immediately informed P'Paaty. 

He was completely shocked. He had never experienced anything like this before and he didn't even try to imagine how disturbing it must be to receive such a package. 

They briefly discussed the next steps on the phone.

It definitely had to be reported to the police, there was just one problem.

Nobody knew how much Boun was being watched and if someone had seen him go into a police station or a fan had tweeted a photo of something like this, it could have been his undoing. The crazy fan should not be incited.

Paaty suggested making the report over the phone and then listening to what the officer on the phone had to say or suggested. 

Thank goodness Paaty was put through to the right officer when he was transferred. 

Inspector Jiraphat Bunma was an experienced officer in the field of stalking, domestic violence and fanaticism. Unlike other colleagues, he immediately took such reports seriously and was quite good at giving tips and advice.

He spoke on the phone in a very calm and competent voice, which immediately put Paaty's mind at ease, as he now felt he was in good hands. 

"Unfortunately, it's not quite so easy to file a complaint over the phone. Your clients have to sign the papers themselves, the evidence has to be secured urgently and the killing of the animal has to be reported to the owner....she also has to be questioned, of course...hmmm....The best thing to do is to make the whole thing relatively make an emergency appointment with the management of your client's partner at the studio, also with the studio management, preferably within the next hour. Your clients come there. I will appear in civilian clothes. Please bring the evidence with you in a large garbage bag, which you will then hand over to me. It should look as if they are going to work together as usual. It shokld not look suspicious. I must also ask you to tell as few people in the studio as possible why this meeting has been called and not to tell other colleagues or friends at first. If Mr. Chawalitrujiwong, without knowing it, perhaps even has this mentally disturbed person in his close circle of friends, this person will be warned. Of course, some people also like to blab, so we minimize the risk of shaking someone up.....I'm afraid that the perpetrator is actually someone from the immediate environment, because they said Mr. Guntachai's address is only known to them, the studio, his family and maybe a few close friends or acting colleagues..... so let's meet at the studio around 11 am?"

"That's how we do it... I'll inform the two of them and call an emergency meeting with the people you've asked for. However, I will also have to get the head director of WabiSabi on board, because there will be a lot of appointments and shoots with him in the near future, it is incredibly important that he knows so that there are no problems professionally if the two clients have to cancel an appointment for safety reasons. But I'm 10000% confident in him. Just like me, he is definitely not one of the suspects." 

Paaty was able to convey everything credibly to the inspector.

"All right....then I'll see you in the studio at 11 o'clock. At reception, please let me know the room where the meeting will take place, of course without telling the receptionist that I'm an inspector. I will also park in the underground parking garage there, I know the building quite well, unfortunately I had a case there a few years ago where malicious, fake photos of an actor appeared that were supposed to ruin his reputation....but that's going too far now, you just have to get me an authorization ticket for the exit. Maybe I'll have to appear there more often. Please leave the evidence in the car and park in the underground garage. That's the best place to hand them over to me, hopefully unobserved. Oh yes...and please don't touch anything apart from the bag, otherwise your fingerprints might suddenly become relevant on the evidence." 

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