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ANDORRA DIDN'T sleep a wink that night. Instead, she laid in the bedroom given to her by Fraseri, and she stared at the ceiling, her ears straining to hear any screams or shouts. Any signs of someone falling to their death.

It was unsettling, knowing Nohx was out there. Knowing her plan may fail when the rest of the dryads woke up and started this version of a game.

"He's fine. I have eyes on him." Pyatt had been giving her updates throughout the night. How the Flayre went without notice, she wasn't sure, but she did trust his word.

By the time the first rays of sun began to rise, Andorra slipped out of her bed and dressed in her clothes from yesterday. During any other circumstance, she may have enjoyed her stay. Perhaps she would have admired the view from her window, or the gorgeous plants that crawled up and down the walls. It would have been any gardener's dream room. Too bad for Andorra that she felt as though she were in a nightmare.

When she opened her door into the hall, she was only mildly surprised to find Roseria standing there, her arms crossed loosely across her chest.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." The words were sarcastic and acid on Roseria's tongue.

"Have you been out here all night?" Andorra had half a mind to shut the door in Roseria's face, but she refrained. Instead, the two of them began to walk down the hallway together, close enough to touch.

"You didn't sneak out to see your lover boy," Roseria noted instead of answering.

"You mean Sir Nohx? Hard pass on that one. Winter fae can be so obnoxious." The edge in Andorra's voice wasn't fake. She was still pissed at Roseria, and wanted to see the pink haired fae dead. It would take nothing to reach out and grab the pink haired fae's arm, transporting her to the Royal Court in the blink of an eye. And she would, as soon as she rescued Nohx.

She wasn't wasting any time on Roseria.

"You can't fool me. I know the truth."

Andorra slid her gaze sideways. "That what? I dislike Nohx? That's not really a secret."

Roseria spun, forcing Andorra to stop as well. The pink haired fae got up into the Queen's space, but Andorra refused to take a step back. She wouldn't act like a coward in front of any fae, especially not one with a vengeance.

"I know you're with him. Sir Nohx doesn't care about anyone, yet he took the place of the seeker I killed. Why would he do that for a pathetic human princess? It doesn't add up."

"It's no secret that Bazille would have stopped at nothing for me to bring his clan into Anlithamy. That alone is enough motivation, don't you think? He got what he wanted: access into Anlithamy. Now back off before I make you."

Roseria took a few steps backwards, a sneer on her face. "You won't save him, you know."

Andorra raised an eyebrow. "Who said I wanted to save anyone?"

Andorra couldn't eat anything, despite the spread in front of her. Her mind was whirling with options on how she could handle the situation, but she found herself wishing she were back home with her friends to give her advice.

Because it was simple: Andorra had the power to stop it all right away. Speaking to Roseria in the hallway reminded her that she did have the power to control anyone she wanted. And even now she sat in the dining chamber with the dryads, Fraseri included. It would be so easy to command them all immediately to bow. To stay put as she rescued those in the trees.

But that would surely cause a war, right? What would Fraseri do in response? And how could she predict his reaction to that blatant control of power?

He had a fragile ego, she knew. It was obvious in the way he laughed at the front of the room. He was in control, easily so, and he wasn't going to relinquish it easily. Yet, he was afraid of Andorra not following his lead.

And then there was Roseria, watching her carefully. Trying to figure out Andorra in order to counteract any move the Queen made.

"To the Reaping!" Fraseri cheered, raising his goblet. "May this year be the best yet. We will show the rest of Anlithamy not to bother us and our home! May we keep fear instilled always!"

The responding yell was deafening. Andorra would be making many enemies if she shut this down right now with her commanding voice. She would never be able to enter the wood again, not without watching her every move.

She didn't want her people to fear her, either. Not like with Blakeley. She wanted respect. But how was she going to maintain that while taking away their version of fun?

"And we have a special guest here, watching it unfold. Welcome, Queen Andorra!"

Andorra didn't smile. She did, however, stand. She only had one shot of making this work, and she knew she wouldn't be killed out there. Despite her confidence, her heart thrum in her chest, a tad too fast to be casual. "I've actually been thinking about this whole thing, Fraseri. I'm here to make a bargain with you."

A smile curved on Fraseri's lips. "A bargain?"

"See, I was speaking with Prince Puck last night, and he was rightfully pissed that you had his precious Sir Nohx."

The color drained from Fraseri's face. His eyes found Roseria down the table in a quick, fleeting motion. "Is he arriving today?"

Andorra waved her hand nonchalantly. She walked around from her seat, heart in her throat, and she continued slowly down the table. "I told Prince Puck that I would handle it here, and that is exactly what I plan to do. I think you and I both know my parents did not agree to this type of cruelty."

"Your parents and I had an agreement-"

Andorra held up her hand. "Ah, ah, ah. My parents were against it. And so am I. However, I do not expect you to willingly stop a custom. So here is my offer. You remove Sir Nohx from the Reaping, and I will take his place. If I win, you cease the Reaping and let the Royal Court handle any and all misconduct happening in the Wood."

There was silence in the dining chamber, but Andorra's frantic heartbeat echoed in her ears. If this didn't work, she would have to take more drastic measures, but she knew this would work. She would win, and she would win fairly.

"And if you die?" Fraseri's tone was sharp against her ears.

"If I die, then it will be up to my successor to determine the future of the Reaping. But as long as I live, you will stop this event."

"The winner never steps foot back in the Wood," Fraseri added hastily. He pressed his palms into the table, leaning towards her almost frantic.

"I am your Queen. I am allowed everywhere. You are forgetting that I am bargaining with you to keep respect between our people. But I could end it right here, right now, without any respect. If I am remembering correctly, dryads honor respect. Or has that changed?"

What she meant by remembering, Andorra was going off of whatever crumbs Pyatt had given her last night when she asked to know more about the fae in the woods. She would have to hope it was enough.

"Yes, respect is important to us." Fraseri clenched his jaw and shook his shoulders. "Fine. You win the Reaping, we will cease for future years. We will respect you and your decision because it was done fairly. However, we will not help you out there. And if you die, well, we are not at fault for the death of our Queen."

"And Sir Nohx?"

"He will be removed safely. You for Sir Nohx. An interesting alliance."

Andorra gave him a scathing smile. "Prince Puck and I have the alliance. So interesting, the way you fae twist what you see."

Her heart was pounding so hard, Andorra was worried she might faint. It was foolish, but she was trained. And worst case scenario, she had the Flayre.

She squared her shoulders. She smiled. She stared down Fraseri. "Let the Reaping begin."

* * *


I hope everyone had a great day today with family :)

I thought I'd finally upload another chapter. Enjoy some added drama and cliffhanger hehehe


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