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"IF YOU need me to go, I'll go." Clini jutted out his chin, defiant and brave all wrapped into one. "I'm not afraid of my mother."

It was the truth. But even so, a quiver of fear thrummed in his chest at what would happen if he was to be trapped in the Spring Court. His mother wouldn't let him leave as easily as she had before. And it wasn't just his mother; it was the entire Spring Court outraged at Andorra's actions.

It was no secret that Clini had been chosen for her Royal Council. Which meant one thing: a target was now on his back.

"Vulara is also on our list. Maybe it would be best if you both went together." Andorra could understand the bravery of being a Royal Council member. She too felt untouchable as Queen. But Clini was her friend, and what sort of friend would she be if she sent Clini to the Spring Court alone?

Clini paled at the mention of Vulara. "Uh, no thanks."

"Why not?"

"Just because he's your friend doesn't mean all of us want to get involved with one of the oldest creatures in Anlithamy. He may have a soft spot for you, but he doesn't even know me." Clini shuddered at the thought of coming face to face with the man in question. Vulara, weapons master and war mongrel, was not quite his choice of companion.

Andorra squinted at Clini. "So you're okay with meeting the Rattislon, but not Vulara?"

"I'm terrified of both," Clini clarified. "But I'd be meeting with the Rattislon for what? At most a half hour? I would have to travel with Vulara. Be in his presence for an extended period of time alone. No thanks."

"What if Callum went with you guys? He knows Vulara."

Clini stood up from the table, now disgusted at the mention of the shadow fae. "Absolutely not."

Andorra stood too. "C'mon. Callum isn't that bad now that he's not all brooding and mean all of the time."

"Correction: Callum isn't that bad to you. But he is brooding and mean to everyone else, all of the time. Just because you're friends doesn't mean he tolerates me."

Andorra couldn't help but roll her eyes. Callum was rough around the edges, sure, but he wasn't as bad as he was when he was friends with Anders and his sister. Andorra wanted to think that Callum had grown since then.

"I'd make him promise to be on his best behavior. He's not... he's not like his sister."

"Andy," Clini pleaded. "Do not make me go to the Spring Court with him. Alone. Callum tormented me for years. Years I'm still trying to block out of my memory."

"But you wouldn't be alone. You'd be with Vulara too."

Clini groaned. "Is this really the only way you'll trust me to go? If I have guards?"

Andorra contemplated that. She trusted Clini, had no doubt he would go to the Rattislon and try his best to ask for their favor. But they were young, and Andorra only had one shot to figure this out. She wasn't so sure the Rattislon would enjoy multiple visits from her.

"Fine. No Callum, but yes Vulara. He has sway with the Rattislon. Sway that I think we're going to need if we want to secure this favor. If you don't want to go though Clini, I can just send Vulara."

Clini shook his head once, quickly. "I'm doing this."

"Then we best be going to visit Vulara in town. See if he'll agree to this. I just... I know this isn't about the upcoming war, but there's something about this curse."

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