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ANDORRA WAS given fighting leathers, courtesy of Niyive. Andorra wasn't sure where the dryad got them, considering she was so much shorter than Andorra was, but she wasn't going to deny a gift that could help her.

She didn't see them remove Nohx, but now that she stood on the tree branches, she could survey the group around them, and he wasn't among the crowd. She had to hope the threat of Prince Puck would be enough to keep him alive.

Besides, she had other things to worry about, such as the man to her left eyeing her.

Andorra had expected to ignore everyone, like in dodgeball. Her classic middle school move had always been to stand in the back, ignore the balls, and cower until she was the last one standing. This was the same approach she was hoping to take, but a few were eyeing her in a way that made Andorra's stomach twist.

Her eyes focused on Fraseri and Roseria, who stood at the watching platform. The same one Andorra had been standing on the night before. There would be no chance of Andorra disappearing into the in-between. Not with the way they were watching her. In fact, Andorra could assume she would be the delight of the entire show.

"You're around, right? In case I fall?" Even her inner monologue sounded frightened.

"This is completely and utterly foolish. But yes, I am here." Pyatt could be mad at her all he wanted. If it kept the Reaping from happening again, and it kept the respect in tact, Andorra didn't quite care.

"And Sir Nohx?"

"Sir Nohx is alive and well. Do not worry about him and worry more about you."

Andorra wasn't listening to Fraseri as he spoke to the crowd. When he blew the whistle, it caught her off guard, and she nearly startled right off of the branch. Everything seemed to slow in that moment. It was almost like an out of body experience, the way she could feel even the hairs on her arms stand on end. Her blood roared in her ears as she watched those around her begin to move.

A fae man to her left began to charge her. Andorra scrambled down one end of the branch, avoiding the fae who was far too close now for comfort.

Andorra spun around just as he caught up to her, and she pressed blinding light from the palms of her hands, right into his face. She hadn't wanted to kill anyone, and yet here she was, forcing a man to stumble from the branch and fall to his death.

"Wow, and from our Queen? Who would've thought!"

The laughter came from above her head. The fae there was sitting on the branch, watching the madness unfold around her. She was a short little thing with russet hair falling to her shoulders in a wild, knotted fashion. Her clothes were fashioned from large, thick leaves. Her skin was a ruddy brown color, covered in dark freckles from head to toe. She didn't really look like she was concerned with the show around them, and her smile towards Andorra was biting.

Andorra didn't bother responding. She needed to find high ground, and fast. Her blinding stunt was enough to keep a few fae from coming for her, but she knew it wouldn't last for long. Andorra moved down the branch, trying to find a good spot to climb.

She didn't get very far. Arms wrapped around her middle, sending the two of them sailing off of the branch immediately.

She didn't scream. She twisted her head, catching sight of the man holding her. He spit in her face. "I'm ending your reign! Can't believe we got the chance so soon after your Coronation!"

Air rushed past Andorra's face as they fell, stealing her breath from her throat. Panic squeezed her chest as she chanted, not like this, not like this!

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