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"IT APPEARS that we'll be going to Averotho sooner than expected." Andorra felt heavy on the throne. She stared around at her council, taking in their reactions. "I have pretty urgent business that needs to be handled."

Callum and Oberon already knew. When she had told them, well, Oberon took it well. Callum, not so much. She could still see how tense he was, with his mouth twisted into a scowl so deep, it made him look more lethal than usual. He kept to himself in the corner with his shadows acting as his bodyguard. They covered him almost too well, his body melting into the darkness in a way that you could miss if you didn't know he was there.

Andorra's eyes met Win's, who had already tried talking to Callum earlier. Even her presence hadn't softened his anger at Andorra's decision.

The decision to take Oberon to Averotho instead of him.

"You need us both there," Callum had countered. "The King is going to murder you in broad daylight, and you won't be able to protect yourself!"

Now, no one spoke up against her decision. Coralia looked worried, as usual, but she didn't say anything. Even Eve, usually full of criticism, said nothing. She gave a typical eyebrow raise, but that had been it.

"So, we're all in understanding that if something happens to me there, it will be you all who run the throne until a substitute has been chosen." The words stuck in her throat, but Andorra forced them out. She ran her tongue over her teeth anxiously, wanting their approval. But Andorra knew she didn't need it.

Being a Queen meant she wouldn't always have it.

"Don't." Callum's voice was dark. "Don't act like that when you won't even let me come!"

Andorra's sigh was heavy. "Ero doesn't want you to come. And he's the one who is bringing me there. I can't go against his wishes, Callum."

Callum kicked off of the wall, his brooding shadows snaking around his body, hugging the ground and those closest to him. Win didn't startle at the shadows, but Clini shrunk away, stepping into Mar in an effort to create distance.

"Why does he get a say? You are a Queen! You don't need to agree with those terms!" Callum's voice echoed in the throne room, his anger loud and abrasive in the silence. "Screw him!"

"Callum, it's done. Following his terms is the only way to get there. We play nice, we get in, and then we finish what we've started. You need to trust me."
Callum ground his teeth together, his jaw hardening. Win placed her hand on his arm, and Andorra thought he would shrug it off, but he didn't. He let Win wrap an arm around his back, but he didn't look at her. Instead, he glared at Andorra, his nostrils flared. "I do trust you. I don't trust Ero and the King of Averotho. You're being naive-"

"I'm being strategic." Andorra kept her voice calm. She could feel Oberon beside her tense up when Callum took another step closer to the throne, teeth bared.

"You're damning us all."

"No, I'm saving us. We need to meet with the King, Callum. We're up against war with another continent, and as much as I have faith in our Royal Guard, I don't think we'll be able to win. Not if the King truly wanted me dead. We have to get ahead of this."

"Callie, breathe. How about we take a step out?" Win tried to reason with him, and Callum spared her a long look, as if he were debating her words. Right as his mouth opened, perhaps to agree or disagree, the doors to the throne room opened.

Andorra felt the weight in her chest lift at the sight of Nohx entering, his eyes finding hers immediately. He began to walk towards her, steps confident and sure, but Callum interrupted.

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