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EOLANDE CONSIDERED herself old fashioned. She liked the way Anlithamy had been run centuries before Andorra's parents had stepped into rule. She liked the way Anlithamy was separated into different Courts and Clans. She liked when fae didn't intermingle.

Princess or not, Eolande considered herself above the others in many ways. She ran her court in an iron fist, and she took the job seriously. Her people would be Seelie, no matter what newer aged fae considered her actions to be.

Anders, while he had been her beloved nephew, had not been what Eolande considered King material. Her nephew had been born with selfish guidance and a spoiled upbringing that had tainted his integrity, and while Eolande was displeased by his death, she was not quick to resurrect him.

She was appalled that Roseria would have ever offered that. Appalled, even more, that Roseria would travel across the sea to do so. War had been brewing for many centuries, and Eolande knew exactly why the Queen of Anlithamy had stepped foot into her court.

It was only a matter of time until she came crawling to Eolande's doorstep herself. The Princess knew this, and so she set herself up in the tea room, drinking from a freshly brewed kettle, her daughter across from her.

Eolande had many opinions about her son's disappearance, but Eolande kept them to herself. It wasn't regal to spread gossip. It did, however, please her that Jezebel stayed beside her, ever present in the court politics. Not that Jezebel would ever become Princess, but she was still royalty.

"Mother, they're here." Jezebel set down her own teacup. "Callum is in tow."

Jezebel tried not to flinch when she thought of her old friend. Callum though hadn't been her friend for much longer than she had expected. Callum, while he often did his own thing, had never strayed for so long. Despite Win's desire for Callum to split from the group much earlier, the Winter fae had always returned.

Jezebel had always considered Callum and Eve her best friends. It stung, knowing they had abandoned her.

"And the Snow Clan Leader as well. Intriguing indeed. Let them in, will you?" Eolande didn't turn towards the door. She didn't have to; she knew her daughter would do as she was told. It had always been that way; Jezebel was Eolande's doll.

It had always been Clini who had put a wrench in the household. The small, unfavorable child of the Spring Court in every way. Eolande let her face smooth out before anyone could catch her scowl. Son or not, Eolande did not feel the same love towards Clini that she had always felt for Jezebel.

Eolande did not stand for the Queen. She did not turn around to greet them. She let Jezebel lead the Queen to the chairs, nodding as the Queen took a seat. Jezebel, who knew her role as the daughter of Princess Eolande. Jezebel, who never made waves, who never strayed from her duties.

Eolande did not acknowledge her daughter leaving. She looked up, watching as Callum and Sir Nohx took a seat next to their Queen, boxing her in. Eolande had to admit, she would have never expected Callum to dote on a human-raised changeling.

She expected the Queen to feel fear, but not a drop of it permeated the air around them. No, Queen Andorra was staring back at Eolande with a flat expression, no longer a bumbling child who was thrown into the world of Anlithamy.

Andorra, for all her credit, did not balk at the sight of Eolande. "Princess Eolande, your home is lovely." Andorra did not touch the teacup in front of her. "We will not take up too much of your time."

Eolande flashed Andorra a hard smile. "You're already wasting my time. Why are you here, Queen Andorra?"

Callum fought not to stiffen beside Andorra. Nohx was already in Clan Leader mode, his face blank, his body relaxed. He was not threatened.

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