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SHE WAS feeling a little bit silly. A little bit foolish. A little bit like a child playing a game meant for adults. But, it was too late now; she was in this. And she wasn't going home empty handed.

And we're definitely going home. Being killed or being captured was not an option for Andorra. With this in mind, she gave Oberon's hand one last squeeze before they both stepped out from the in-between, right into her guest room in the castle.

She and Oberon both stared at the letter that sat on the floor, right in front of the door. Her name was written in cursive on the front. Her heart flipped in her chest as Andorra eyed Oberon for a long, silent moment.

She bent down and ran her fingers across the envelope. Either the King was giving them a contract, or he was pulling their chain. To be quite honest, Andorra wasn't sure which she preferred. On one hand, she did want the technology that Averotho boasted of. But she wasn't quite sure she wanted the King to have access to them, to their powers.

Andorra tried to swallow her nerves. She edged her thumb under the envelope flap, pushing it up so she could take out the paper within. She did it slowly, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. Not for the first time did she wish Nohx was there. She closed her eyes, willing that desire away. Nohx wouldn't be able to make this choice for her, even if she did want his input.

She unfolded the paper and felt Oberon leaned in to read over her shoulder.

Queen of Anlithamy,

I, the King of Averotho, hereby allow you access to all of our technology when you uphold your end of the exchange. Anlithamy will allow Averotho to harvest their powers in the span of three full moons. Once that harvest is complete, all technology will be integrated into Anlithamy immediately.

Shall the exchange be broken in any way, Averotho is allowed to cease all sharing of tech. This includes any fae in Anlithamy denying Averotho of their powers. This includes any fae in Anlithamy becoming violent. This includes any fae in Anlithamy who try to run.

Shall Anlithamy accept these terms, Averotho will sail to Anlithamy in a fortnight and will begin the process of harvesting powers.

____________________ __________________

(Signature) (Printed)



Andorra was quiet for a moment as she read and digested the words. He would be going to their lands to harvest or to start war. Both options she chose would bring him to their lands. An enemy, right there.

She swallowed the lump in her throat. "It says everyone, Obe. How will I convince every fae in Anlithamy to do this when they aren't too keen on me in the first place?" Panic bled into her words. "He's in charge, no matter the scenario. He comes to steal our powers, or he comes to kill us."

She felt Oberon pull the letter out of her shaking hands. She wasn't sure what she was really getting herself into before she saw the contract, spelling everything out for her clear as day. And what she saw, she absolutely did not like.

"Andy, breathe. We'll figure this out-"

"No. No, we won't. I don't have a choice, Obe. I'm damning us either way. Both options... both of them suck."

She let Oberon pull her into a tight hug, squeezing her to him. He rested his head atop of hers, his own chest tight with anxiety. They had come too far to lose now. To forfeit everything to a power hungry king.

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