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"YOU'RE WELCOME." Aihfie crossed her arms. She cocked her hip, raised her eyebrow, and dipped her chin. It was a sarcastic remark, but it didn't bother Roseria.

Roseria was too busy staring at Jezebel. The green haired fae was glancing between Aihfie and Roseria, her expression guarded. She hadn't spoken to Aihfie in what felt like months. Ever since the borders closed, Aihfie hadn't stepped foot outside of the Winter Court.

Jezebel kept her thoughts to herself, but deep down, she felt hurt. Aihfie, at one point, had been her best friend.

"Jezebel, right? I don't believe we've really met. I'm Roseria. I knew your cousin, Anders." She reached her hand out for a shake, but Jezebel eyed her dainty hand with a raised brow. When her eyes met Roseria's eager stare, her brows dropped.

"I'd think everyone knew my cousin. Hard not to know the Prince."

Roseria's laugh was a touch awkward as she retracted her hand. "That's true. I'd like to talk to you about him, actually. Judging by how the Spring Court is reacting to the loss, I'd say you'd be interested in my plan."

Jezebel looked back to Aihfie. "Why did you bring her here, Aihfie? Is this some sort of joke? You know how my mother is doing-"

"No! Not a joke. I just wanted the chance to speak with you and your mother. She's the Spring Court Princess, right? Again, this is about Anders. I'm very serious."

There was something desperate about the way Roseria begged. It was completely unlike the confident Roseira from weeks prior, when Anders had been alive. Now, there was a crazed look to her eyes, and rabid expression that took over her facial features. Her smile could only be described as unhinged.

Jezebel again eyed Roseria. Her mouth flattened, and then she turned back towards her house. For the home of a Court Princess, it wasn't all that gaudy. The house itself was plain, but the gardens were breathtaking.

Jezebel led them down a stone path that trailed between tall flowers. They approached the entrance to the yard, passing under a wooden arch arbor that had roses trailing up and over the top. Entering the yard was like entering a different world. A low stone fence followed them all the way up to the house porch. On either side of the fence was a wildflower lawn, overcome with color and greenery. Roseria found herself staring at the beauty, the safety, the feminine gentleness that only the Spring Court could offer.

Jezebel didn't need to open the front door; Princess Eolande sat on the porch, rocking in a weathered porch chair. In one hand, she held a glass of flower wine, sipping from it silently as she stared at her guests. In her other hand, she twirled a long stemmed flower.

Roseria had met Eolande. Hard not to, when she had once lived in the Royal Castle. She had met all of the Princes and Princesses of Anlithamy. She had dined with them, sat in on meetings with them, had worked with them. She had been on the council and had spent many days and nights wrapped up within the drama of royalty.

She gave Princess Eolande a smile. Eolande had been one of the more reserved Court leader. She didn't speak often; instead, like her daughter, she sat quiet and watched. Soaked in information. Used what she learned to silently move amongst her peers and protect her court.

Roseria knew just how dangerous Eolande could be. Puck was the worst of them. The most outspoken, the most lethal, the most dangerous. He was the sort of fae who would slit your neck for a single comment made in poor taste.

But Eolande? Roseria knew there was more to her under the surface of her placid expression.

"Princess. I have something I would like to speak to you about."

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