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"ERO!" ANDORRA sat up quickly. Her heart began to race in her chest, beating hard to the point of near pain. "What are you doing out here?"

Did she sound guilty? She was worried she did. She went to drop Nohx's hand, but he tightened his grip. He eyed the other fae with a tilt to his head.

"I'm on an evening stroll. Imagine my surprise when I find the Queen out here with her... not quite bodyguard."

"Boyfriend, actually." Nohx's tone was entirely too casual. Andorra looked at him, her eyes wide and her mouth open. For a long moment she stared at him, but really it was his profile she watched, because he was still looking at Ero. There was a smugness to his expression, even when Andorra tried again to pull her hand free.

"Okay, wait-"

"Boyfriend?" Ero grinned. "Now, that's a human term, is it not?" He tapped a finger against his chin, thinking. His grin turned slightly more mocking than it already had been. "What will the caste system think?"

Nohx pulled Andorra's hand to his mouth and pressed a lingering kiss there, his eyes darkening as he continued to hold Ero's gaze. "Threats don't look good on visiting spies. Even if the Queen has extended you an invite. I'd be careful of how you speak."

"You know, Ero, we're not the only ones in the garden. I'm sure my flayre is around here somewhere. He'd love to drop in for a visit." Andorra's voice became steady once again. She had a few things she wanted to speak with Nohx about, but it would have to wait.

Ero's face seemed to pale. "We don't have to be enemies, you know." His voice was that of a friend; warm and inviting. He blew out a long sigh. "Just because I'm a spy doesn't mean I have to be the bad guy."

"I'm inclined to disagree." It was Oberon's voice that interrupted their conversation. He stepped around one of the tall garden hedges, his smile sharp. Sharper than Andorra had ever seen it. "All spies working against the Queen are an enemy. Shall I see you back to your room, Ero?"

It wasn't a suggestion, but Ero took it as such.

"No, I'd like to pick the Queen's mind, just a bit more." His eyes lingered on Oberon for a single moment, his head tilting to the side. "Did you follow them out here? Such a shame the lovebirds cannot even get a moment of peace."

"Oberon is never a bother." Andorra narrowed her eyes at Ero. "You, however, seem to be a thorn in my side. Especially for a fae who has done nothing but be bothersome since he arrived in the Royal Court."

Ero bowed low at the waist. "I serve to be thorny, your highness." When he straightened, he winked at her. "But honestly, I am not looking to sell gossip about who is fucking who in this court. However I am looking for the truth about whether or not you're fit to rule."

Andorra flinched against the word. Then, her cheeks reddened. Were they that obvious? Instead, she cleared her throat and her mind. "What constitutes fit to rule?"

Ero began to circle them in a lazy stride. His wings flared out from behind him, beating once against the still night air, sending strands of loose grass flying. He grinned when Oberon shot him a nasty look.

"Let's see. One, does she have her people in the palm of her hand? Do they believe in her?" He stuck a single finger up in the air, his eyebrows raised when he locked in on her eyes. "My research has told me that most Courts in your land do in fact follow your lead. Winter, Autumn, and Summer all bow down to you. But that pesky Spring..." he tisked at them.

"Two, is she capable of making hard decisions that favor her court and not herself?" He stuck up a second finger, his smile dropping completely. He eyed Andorra and Nohx on the ground, his leverage making him seem taller than he really was. "Considering you are with a fae below you in the caste, I'd say you are used to making selfish decisions. However, you did tame the flayre, which was in favor of Anlithamy. Really in favor of all fae, I'd say. So, you're capable of not being selfish, but you're young. Untested. I'm not sure about this one."

Andorra opened her mouth to deny, or maybe to defend herself, but Ero moved on. He stuck up a third finger. "Third. Does the Queen know what she's doing? Or is she a child playing make believe on a throne?" His grin widened as he stepped a little too close to Oberon, who bared his teeth in response. "I find your antics childish. I find you have no clue what you're doing. I find you rather unfit, with no mentor in sight. Such a pity for Anlithamy."

This time, Andorra did speak up. She jumped to her feet, anger humming in her veins. She could feel Pyatt respond to it. "Are you alright?" his voice echoed in her mind, worry coating the tone. She didn't bother responding, not yet.

"You have no idea what I've sacrificed to be here." Her voice was lethal. Quiet. Hot anger filled her chest. "To be Queen. And if you're a supporter of Prince Anders, then it makes sense you would feel that I am unfit. But Anders wouldn't have been a good ruler, and all I've done to take this throne was to protect my people. To save Anlithamy from the corrupt Royal Council, from Prince Anders, from the war that was about to happen. I've been ripped from my life, from everything I've known, to selflessly take the throne of people I didn't even know existed! If that isn't selfless, then I don't know what is."

Ero had expected an outburst, but he was entertained by this. He stood, arms crossed, watching as Andorra worked herself up. "Okay, maybe not selfish then. So let's say I give you number two. What of number three?"

Andorra tried her best to raise her chin. To fight the urge to incinerate him on the spot. "You're right. I could use a mentor. I do have Vulara, but I could use another one, more aligned with leadership. That is constructive criticism I will take."

"Don't mistake me for someone who wanted Prince Anders. I do have to admit, I didn't know much about him."

Andorra's tirade, the one she had on the tip of her tongue, died in that instant. Everything Ero had said during this conversation had been so at odds with what they had all assumed about Ero. His wording had been too... disconnected.

"Wait. Aren't you from the Spring Court? Aren't you their spy?"

Ero shoved his hands into his pockets. "Ah. I see you didn't do your research on my name."

Erowillric. Andorra had forgotten to do that. She had figured that perhaps he was related to Anders. Or was important in some sense, deep within the politics of the Spring Court. But, dread seemed to slide down her throat and settle into her chest at his tone of voice.

Ero spread his arms out wide. "I'm sorry I missed your coronation. You see, traveling across the sea isn't ideal. But I'm even more disappointed that you didn't realize who I was. Officially, I am Prince Erowillric, son of King Kaeberon of Averotho. It's nice to finally meet you, Queen Andorra of Anlithamy."

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