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THE BEDROOM was dark. The glow of the moon leaked in through the windows, sending a sliver shaft of light spilling across the bed.

Andorra couldn't sleep. Nohx, however, was passed out beside her, his soft breathing steady in her ear. The way his arms banned across her waist was proof enough of how much he cared for her. He was holding her tightly to his chest, almost as if he were afraid she would run.

She wouldn't. She couldn't. How could anyone run from their soulmate? Andorra found it suddenly increasingly hard to understand how Prince Desmond and his wife had turned their backs on theirs.

She felt at ease in his arms. She let her mind wander, savoring the memories she held there. The ones that were gifted to her only hours prior.

A young Nohx holding her hand.

A young Andorra smiling up at him.

A young Oberon, playing with the two of them, so unaware of what would happen to their friendship.

But, there were a few that Andorra already wanted to hold closer and treasure. A few of Andorra couldn't believe she had forgotten. It made her chest burn, thinking about how she shared so many memories with Nohx, yet she had forgotten.

He had not.

She couldn't even imagine how painful it had been for him to look at Andorra that first time in her high school, realizing that Andorra had known none of what they had shared as children. How painful it had to have been for Nohx to look Andorra in the eye, knowing their childhood promises were one sided.

She twisted in his arms, pressing a kiss to his cold cheek. There was a little moment where he stirred, but he didn't wake up. Instead, he pulled her closer, his face pushing into her neck. His breath made goosebumps race across her skin as his lips skimmed her skin.

A childhood memory resurfaced from that action alone. It was of the three of them; Andorra, Nohx, and Obeorn.

They were laying under the stars. The night sky stretched above their heads, but while Nohx was busy staring at the night sky, Andorra was squirming against the cold, damp grass.

"I'm going inside," she had whined. Sitting up, Andorra had looked down at Nohx, then over at Oberon. "Let's go, Obe," she had said to the white haired fae.

Oberon shrugged. "Okay." He was quick to agree as he jumped to his feet. He wiped the dew on his pants. "I'm starving."

Andorra moved to leave as well, but Nohx had shot her an irritated look. Then, he had whirled that expression onto Oberon. Lightning fast, Nohx yanked Andorra's arm until she was laying on the ground again. "No way," he had said to her. "You're gonna miss the best part."

"Best part?" Andorra was giggling at Nohx's sudden movement. She pushed lightheartedly against his shoulder. "I'm bo-ored." She stretched the world, her lips twisting into a smirk at Nohx's narrowed eyes.

She made to get up again, cookies on her mind. "Let's go, Obe. Your mom made cookies earlier-"

Nohx tackled her to the ground. His arms were tight around her as Andorra squirmed against him, her laughter loud and contagious. Her little giggles floated up into the night sky while Nohx held her tightly.

"You will stop being a baby and watch!" he had protested.

"If Andy wants to go, let her go," Oberon protested.

"Andy wants to stay. Don't you?" Nohx peered down into Andorra's eyes, a flash of hurt crossing his expression. "You said you wanted to watch."

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