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"ERO." ANDORRA blinked at the man in front of him. He was leaning casually against the wall outside of the staircase that led to her bedroom. There was something wolfish in his expression, and his mouth was curved into a grin. He was examining a dagger in his hand.

Dagger. Andorra wasn't used to seeing weapons, not when their powers were weapons enough. It almost surprised her to see him holding it in his hand, flipping it by the tip. Something glimmered in the hilt, and Andorra narrowed her eyes to try and catch what it was.

Ero noticed. He pocketed the weapon and smiled lazily at her. "Queen Andorra." His head moved into a mock bow. "I thought we could talk."

Andorra shifted uncomfortably as Ero eyed her. Despite her show in the throne room, there was something hungry about him. And Andorra knew he would devour her whole if she let her guard down for even a moment.

"Sure. Let's go to the throne room."

"I was thinking we could talk in the air."

Andorra held his steady gaze. His grin grew across his face as he read her discomfort. Saying no was on the tip of her tongue, but then his wings flared out from behind him, and she sucked in a gasp. When she had seen them for the first time, she had been wonderstruck by the thought of having her own. And now seeing them up close... she tilted her head to get a better look.

"They're magnificent, aren't they?" Ero's voice held arrogance. "It's a shame you don't have your own. I could fix that for you, you know."

"Really?" She could hear her own desperation. It practically spilled out of her. Not quite the same girl she had been in the throne room, and shame coated her cheeks in a blotchy red. "I mean-"

"Yes, really. But we can discuss that later. Shall we fly? You want to check out my wings, and I want to see your Flayre. I think it'll be advantageous for us both."

No, it wouldn't. It was so close to coming out of her mouth, but Andorra did want to see how his wings worked. Drawn to them like a moth to a flame. "Let me call for my guard. Then we can go."

Ero didn't move out of her way when Andorra tried to advance. "What, a Queen can't protect herself?"

A scoff left her mouth at that insinuation. She pushed past him on her own, very well aware of what advantage she gave him by walking in front. She spun, walking backwards towards the main entrance, keeping her eye on him. "You're foolish if you think that I would be alone with you. And double foolish for assuming my guards would ever let me be alone."

Ero followed her, eating the steps between them, his intense eyes following her like prey. She tried, not for the first time, to place him. Spring Court made the most sense, but Clini didn't know him. Hadn't recognized him.

So, who was he?

She didn't need to stiffen when she felt cold hands press against her shoulder as she walked into someone from behind. "Hey," she heard Oberon say. "Where are you two off to?"

His voice was light, almost joking, but Andorra could hear the undercurrent of panic in his voice. Like he was unsure of where Ero had run off to.

"You're joining us on a trip in the sky. Ready a wyvern for flight." Andorra tilted her head back to smile at Oberon. "If you're up for it, that is."

"I'll grab Viir. He's stationed here while Nohx is in the area."

That piqued her interest. "Nohx is here?" Andorra had assumed he had returned to the Winter Court after their meeting yesterday. Then, she felt a little snubbed he hadn't told her himself. It seemed way more interesting to go find him than fly with Ero.

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