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I start making my way to common room because I have a free period. On my way there I bump into my ex, Adrian pucey.

'Watch it fatty!' He spits at me. 'Excuse me?' I say, looking at him with disgust.

'You heard me whore, you best watch where you're going, next time I won't be as nice' he says with a grin on his face. 'Fuck off adrian I have no ti-' I get cut off with a hard slap to the face causing me to fall to the floor.

'Bitch' he mutters and walks off. I reach my hand to my face and feel blood on my lip. I stand up and continue walking toward the common room as I don't want to waste my time on him.


I enter the common room to see all of my friends sat in the lounge including mattheo. I turn my face away because I don't want them to see the blood smeared across my face.

'Dani? Are you okay hun?' Pansy asks.
'Yeah pans I'm fine don't worry about it' I lie. I'm about to head up to my dorm when I feel a hand on my shoulder so I spin round to see who it is but it's just pansy. 'Jesus fucking Christ dani!' She yells, causing everyone to turn and look at me.

I push past her and go over to the sink in the common room and start washing my face. 'Dani you best tell us what the fuck happened or so god help me-' Theo begins but I cut him off.

'Fine! It was Adrian pucey, I bumped into him he called me names so I told him to fuck off that's when he called me a bitch, slapped me across the face and I fell and busted my lip there happy now?' I blurt out. I looo at them all and they just stare back in shock. Mattheo stands up and storms off with Draco and Theo running after him.

Next thing you know there's screaming, shouting, crying. We all run out of the common room to see mattheo on top of Adrian beating the shit out of him whilst Theo and Draco try pull him off.

'MATTHEO STOP IT!' I yell but he doesn't listen.
He then gets off of him after another four hard blows to the face and the sight was awful. His face was all messed up, two black eyes, broken nose and jaw, his face was almost unrecognisable. 'Touch a women like that again and it won't just be  a broken nose and jaw next Time' he says and with one final kick to the ribs he storms off. He beat him that bad there was blood dripping off his knuckles.

I can't say I feel bad because Adrian hurt me real bad when we were together but I can't help feeling guilty like this is my fault.

I run up to my dorm and as soon as I get to the bathroom I immediately throw up. Normally when I see blood and stuff like that I'm fine but this.. this was something different.

'Dani what the fuck just happe- oh my god are you okay?!' She shouts. She runs over to me and holds my hair up as I throw up.

'Yeah im fine pans just a little queasy' I say and flush the toilet. I walk over to the sink and wash my face.

'You sure your okay hun?' She asks. 'Yeah im sure' I say. We walk into my room and I start to get changed. I put on a grey velvet tracksuit.

'Holy shit dani don't get me wrong im not a lesbian but you look HOT' she says. We both sit there and laugh.


Me and pansy have been talking and laughing for hours now. Time sure flies by when your with your friends. 'Let's go to the common room' she says, telling me not asking me. 'Nooo' I whine.

'Come on!' She laughs. She pulls me up from my bed and drags me to the common room. I see mattheo, Theo, enzo and Draco all sat down.

'Pans can we please go?' I ask. She looks at me and gives me a "seriously?!" Look.

'No Dani we are staying!' She whisper yells. I try to walk away but she pulls me back but not too hard. 'Pansy I want to go!' I shout. They all turn to look at us and pansy steps back a little. 'Fine go be a little bitch and leave I don't fucking care' she yells. I just stare at her and tilt my head. 'What did you just call me?' I say calmly, squinting my eyes a little.

'Should we do something?' I hear Theo ask the others. 'Nah I say let them scrap it out' Draco says. 'No we should definitely do something' enzo whispers.

'Call me a bitch again, go on?' I say with no expression. 'B-I-T-C-H' she spells out. I don't know what came over me but the next thing I know my fist connects with her face. She grabs me by the hair and trips me up, pissing me off even more. I get on top of her and punch her in the face over and over and over again. Then I feel someone's arms wrap around my torso and pull me off her. 'CUNT!' I yell and start laughing.

'Psycho crazy bitch!' She shouts. I start kicking my arms and screaming.'FUCKING LET ME GO IM GONNA KILL THIS BITCH!' I shout. 'Fucking calm down!' Draco yells and runs over. The mystery person has hold of my waist and Draco has hold of my legs to stop me from kicking. 'PUT ME DOWN!' I scream. Somehow I manage to kick Draco in the face causing the mystery guy and Draco to drop me.

I crawl over to pansy because she's still on the floor, I get on top of her again and punch her square in the nose. She grabs my hair and flips me so she's on top of me but the o ou thing she's doing is yanking my hair which kind of hurts.

I read something in a book about how if someone is on top of you, you can thrust your hips up and the person will fall off of you. So I did and surprisingly it worked.

I stand up and start kicking her in the ribs. Then the same pair of arms wrap around me and throw me over his shoulder. 'Put me down!!' I yell but he doesn't listen. He brings me to his dorm and throws me on his bed. I'm about to say something but he just kisses me.

I'm not gonna lie I kind of enjoyed it but then I realised who it was.

'MATTHEO?!' I yell.

'Quiet now?, that was one ugly fight Danielle' he says with a smug grin across his face.

'What do you mean?' I ask, confused by what he means by ugly. 'Her face is messed uppp and I'm pretty sure you broke a few ribs' he says, adding a little laugh.


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