alcohol poisoning

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mattheos pov:

the fuck was that about?! fucking bitch how dare she after I gave her my shirt. I mean yeah she didn't want to take it but she should be fucking greatful nonetheless!

Dani's pov:

Pansy drags me to my feet and immediately starts doing my makeup. 'Woahh what's going on?' I ask her as she rummages through her makeup bag in panic. 'Pansy slow down what's going on!' I say a little louder catching her attention. 'Danielle rosewood no time to ask questions there's a party tonight and it starts in a bloody half hour!' She squeals. that causes me to panic also. I grab a hair brush and instantly start doing my hair whilst she does my makeup. I put it up in a ponytail with some pieces out the side. Pansy applies some mascara, concealer, red lipstick and gloss, gels my brows, blush and a little bronzer and she instantly throws me a dress.

'Pansy Parkinson what the hell is this?' I ask as I hold it up. 'A dress now hurry and put it on!' She squeaks. I roll my eyes causing her to laugh and put the dress on. Bloody hell it was revealing but I look hot! It's a red, frilly tight short dress.

(Something like this)

With a pair of black heels

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With a pair of black heels.

'Dani you look fucking stunning!' She yells out of excitement almost forgetting we had to leave. 'Pansy come one!' I shout and we both walk down to the common room. The boy's' attention instantly turns to the two of us. We walk down to them and sit down. Pansy between Draco and enzo, me between Theo and mattheo.

'You two look stunning' Blaise blurts out. We look at each other and giggle. 'You clean up nice too Blaise' I say as pansy gives him a wink. i turn to look at mattheo but hes flirting with some ravenclaw bitch. this angered me, badly. i was about t stand up but pansy put her hand on my shoulder and forced me to stay sat.

'no trouble tonight, just laughs and drinks yeah?' she giggled and i nodded. i grabbed the bottle of vodka from the table and downed half of it, almost throwing it back up. 'the fuck is this shit?' i ask. blaise and theo turn to me and grin while side eying each other. 'that my friend is fire whiskey, vodka, everclear and and rum mixed together, strongest thing we have ever made so be careful because i guarantee you'll be off your head from just that you downed' theo waffles on. i smirk at them knowing my goal is to either get blackout drunk, railed or a fight to happen so obviously i took the chance and downed the rest of the drink. 

'hey! your lucky we made five bottles of that shit!' blaise scoffs. he pulls out another two bottles and places them on the table. im about to grab another bottle but theo snatches them away instantly. 'your playing a dangerous game there dani' he smirks. i laugh and lean over and grab the bottle. 'no dani you'll end up in hospital if you have another bottle! it may not have kicked in yet but trusted me your gonna be fucked off your face tonight just from that.' enzo says. 

i take a second to think about my actions wondering if i should risk it or not. 'how long does it take to kick in then berkshire?' i smirk. he turns away and starts mumbling so i furrow my brows in confusion and he talks a little louder. 'at most an hour'

'pftt! fuck that' i stand up and run off into the crowd as they shout my name. 

i grab some random hufflepuff boy and start dancing with him as i take big sips every 30 seconds. he grabs my hips and spins me arround so my back his facing him and he pulls me into him, moving my hips as i grind on him to the music. i sway my hips and arse against him and look mattheo dead in the eyes as i down the rest of the drink, me smirking and him tightening his fists with his jaw clenched. i turn around and grab the boys jaw and pull him into a rough kiss and slap his cheek plafully and walk away.

i stumble over to the others and almost trip as i sit down. i place the empty bottle on the table and theo, blaise, enzo and theo just evil eye me jokingly.. i think whereas pansy is smirking at me as im giggling for no reason. 'fuck this i want what she's having' she reaches to the bottle but blaise yanks it out of her hand. 'fuck no look at the state of dani she's fucked as it is no one let her drink more otherwise it wont be good' he spat. 'why so angry blaisey?' i question him, my words slurred as i continue giggling. 

'fucking look at you!' he whisper yells. 'lighten up blaise shes having fun!' astoria laughs. i grab a shot of the table without them noticing and down it, the cold liquid burning my throat. i snatch the joint out of enzo's hand and take a long burn on it and hold it for a couple seconds making me go light-headed, instantly taking yet another long burn before exhaling the first burn. enzo snatches it back off me. 'fucking hell breathe it out' theo says, rushing over and pressing on my chest and patting my back, forcing me to exhale and cough.

'dani i think you should go to bed' mattheo snarls. i shake my head angrily. 'no! you can't tell me what to do' i mumble. mattheo and draco nod at each other and come over to me, dray holding my left arm, mattheo my right and they force me to stand up but my legs go numb making me collapse back down. 'if you take me to my dorm ill scream' i try speak out, giggling at the same time. they are both forced to sit back down as they dont want people thinking they're trying ti kidnap me.

warning: emetaphobia 

I stand up and stumble my way over to the drinks table and grab 10 shots, downing one after the other till they're all gone. i spot an unlit joint and sneak it in my bra and make my way out of the common room to go outside so my friends don't see me. i spark the joint and start smoking it. luna lovegood comes outside and starts talking. 'hello dani are you okay you look very pale' she asks, a hint of concen laced in her tone. 'im f- fine luna' i stutter. i suddenly start to feel very dizzy and my eyes water, and throat starts to burn. 

'luna i think im gonna-' and before i can even react or finish my sentence i throw up everywhere, taking at least 30 seconds to get it all out and to stop gagging. the whole time, luna was there holding my hair back and stroking my back. 'its okay dani get it all out' she calmys says. i continue to throw up after i thought i was done but this time it's even worse. 'luna help-' but again before i could finish i started gagging again.

'hold on dani ill get help ill be a minute!' she panics and runs off. fuck sake. im in so much pain. my head is heavy but my mind feels light, im starting to see black spots appear, my stomach and throat are on fire, my legs are numb. As i'm being sick, i notice blood starts coming up with it and within an instant my body falls to the floor as everything goes black. i can make out people shouting but it soon gets replaced with a ringing noise. and again i start throwing up but my body wont move, my eyes wont open and i cant cry or talk.


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