Wake up call

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'DANI WAKE THE FUCK UP'! Draco yells in panic. He tries shaking me and lifting my arms up but they instantly drop to my side. He picks me up bridal style and starts running.

We get to the common room and I instantly hear shouting. 'FUCKING HELP ME!' He yells. He places me on the floor and I feel everyone touching me and shaking me trying everything to wake me up.

'What the fuck happened?!' Theodore shouts. But Draco doesn't answer nor does Luna. Theo speed walks toward them and pushes their shoulders a little but in a frantic way.

'What? I- I don't know ask Luna she was fucking with her not me!' He blurts out. Theo looks at Luna and she instantly starts talking. 'Well I was outside and Dani came out and I can't remember if she was smoking a joint or a cigarette but she started holding her chest and throat saying it was burning and then she just started throwing up but something was wrong because I haven't ever seen anyone throw up that much and before I could think or process what was going on fully she started puking blood so I went to get help and when I came back she was passed out!' She explains.

Pansys POV :
I put my hand on her forehead and she was freezing and I have no idea why because I was boiling in here it's pretty much summertime. I was sat on the floor with her head in my lap and she was laying on her back. The others were all yelling about what to do. I looked up trying to listen but before I could Dani started shaking badly. Fuck she's having a seizure!

'Guys!' I said but none of them heard me. 'GUYS! SHE'S HAVING A FUCKING SEIZURE WHAT THE HELL DO I DO?!' I yell in panic.

'What's with all the fucking shouting?!' Mattheo storms over with a girl clinging to him, I'm pretty sure it's Astoria- what the fuck?

Mattheo looks at Theo and the others arguing and then he looks down at me as Dani is still seizing. 'Are you all fucking stupid she's having a seizure while your arguing about what to do and how to help her?!' He yells, his face covered in rage and he pushes me out of the way and grabs Dani. 'Theo! Hold her legs, I'll hold her arms make sure she doesn't hurt herself and Draco come here and hold her head so she doesn't get a concussion' he says yet there's no expression on his face.

It takes about two minutes for her to stop and when she does, mattheo pushes everyone away and turns her on her side. 'what are you doing?' Enzo asks. 'turning her on her side because if she's been throwing up especially blood she could choke and die and none of us want that' he explains.

'well what now?' Blaize asks as we all look at mattheo seeing as he knows what to do. 'well we can either wait for her to wake up or we can take her to Madame pomfrey, get us all in trouble for having a party'. He says as we all turn to look at each other.

Don't get me wrong, I don't wanna get in trouble but I can't let her hurt like this. Suddenly dani Wakes up and starts screaming.

Dani's POV:

'IT BURNS' I scream over and over again. Mattheo sits me up and pansy sticks her fingers down my throat causing me to throw up, mixed with a little blood. It helped a little but it still burns. It feels like my insides and being scraped out with knives and then throwing vodka and salt in the wound.

Tears start streaming down my cheeks as I try kicking my legs but Theo holds them down. 'We need to get her to Madame pomfrey ASAP' Theo shouts over me. Again pansy sticks her fingers down my throat.

Mattheo picks me up bridal style and takes me Madame pomfrey. He places me on one of the beds and gets pomfrey's attention. 'My gosh dear what happened?' The nurse panics while rummaging through everything for some meds and a potions.

'I don't know she drank to much?' He says whilst stressing. Madame pomfrey starts doing tests before giving me meds. 'Thank god you brought her in when you did otherwise she'd be dead in just a couple of hours! She has alcohol poisoning the worst I've seen so far and I've had quite a few over drunk students here in my years!' She exclaims while giving me painkillers, sobering potion and a bunch of other stuff.

'So she'll be okay can I go?' He asks in relief. The nurse starts checking my blood pressure and alcohol levels. 'Maybe you should stay she may need someone with her or you can go your choose dear' she says. 'GOD JUST LET ME DIE IT HURTS SO BAD ITS NOT HELPING NONE OF ITS FUCKING HELPING!' I scream out in pain. Mattheo sits next to me and gives me his hand to squeeze. 'Ignore her sorry' he says as the nurse nods with a smile.

'It's okay I understand' she smiles and walks away.

'Dani I'm gonna go tell the others you'll be fine I'll be back okay' he says, looking me dead in the eye but I don't answer I only nod.

Mattheos POV:

'Guys she'll be fine she just has really bad alcohol poisoning' I say. Everyone sighs in relief and goes back to what they're doing. I take Astorias hand and take her back to my dorm. I lock the door and smash my lips onto hers. She starts to unbuckle my belt as I rip her dress off, I throw her on the bed and she giggles...

Dani's POV:

The next day

Gods head is killing. I open my eyes and see I'm in the hospital wing? What the fuck happened last night?

I stand up and walk over to the nurse. 'Madame pomfrey can I go now please?' I ask her and she nods with a smile. I make my way up to mattheos door and knock but no one answers so I open the door a little and see him and Astoria laying in bed naked. My heart drops.

I carefully close the door and run to my dorm in tears. How could he?! I fling my dorm door open and see pansy sat at her vanity getting ready for the school day.

She turns to look at me and her face softens. 'Babe what's wrong?' She asks. 'Astoria and mattheo fucked' I say with no expression or tone.

'Your fucking joking right' her face turns to pure rage. 'Nope I walked in his dorm and saw them asleep naked' I shrug. 'I swear to god this bitch is done for why the hell would she do that to you' she spat. I just shrug not knowing what to say and start getting ready for school.


I walk into the great hall and sit with my friends and no surprise Astorias there sat across from mattheo who's sat between me and pansy.

I grab an apple and take a single bite and throw it away. 'Why aren't you eating?' Theo asks. 'I did see I took a bite of an apple' I spat, toxicity laced in my tone as I watch Astorias every movement. Draco grabs me two pieces of toast and places it in front of me. 'God I'm not hungry!' I yell slightly and throw it in the trash. 'And Astoria stop eye fucking mattheo like yeah you two fucked but don't make it so bloody obvious!' I yell.

The group have their mouths wide open in shock while side eyeing each other. I stand up and walk around to Astoria, I stand behind her and grab a disrupt hair, yank her head back and whisper in her ear, 'listen you dirty whore I get you've got no self control but don't ever go near mattheo again or so help me god I'll strangle you with my bare hands got it?' I whisper loud enough for only the two of to hear, she nods as a tear rolls down her rosey pink cheeks.

I storm off to my first class which is potions and it looks like I have a new teacher. He's hot...

Professor WilliamsAge 27

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Professor Williams
Age 27

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