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warning : mentions of SA

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warning : mentions of SA

'what the fuck is this?' draco yellped. me and pansy look at each other and giggle whilst i shrug my shoulders. 'well we talked and apologised to one another and overall id say i missed my partner in crime' panys shrugs. I look over to astoria and her smile fades to worry. i could tell she was upset now that things are the way they used to be.

'well there's a party in the common room tonight, all houses above 5th year invited' enzo says, giving everyone a mischievous grin as me and pansy roll our eyes. i stand up and pull pansy with me, astoria stands up to come with us but i dont realise as we walk out giggling. I look back and her face turns red in embarrassment, i cant help but feel a little bad as she sits down and draco hugs her.

we return to our dorm and instantly start getting ready for the party even though its only 6:34. I start curling pany's hair as she does her makeup. she applies a thick coat of mascara, smokey eyeshadow with a little eye liner and bright red lipstck along with a red silky tight fitted dress. along with black heels and black handbag.

I decide to leave my hair curly but i put it half up half down. I apply the same thick coat of mascara and a deep red lipstick. i slip on a tight short white dress with a slit in the side of it, along with black heels, black purse and a diamond bracelet. astoria walks in looking excited but as she sees we are already ready her face drops. 'dani i uhm I thought we were all getting ready together?' she questions. I dont recall saying that at all. 'sorry tori i dont remember otherwise I would have waited for you?' i say awkwardly. she walks past us in silence and srats to get ready but me and pansy leave.

As me and pansy walk down to the common room we can already hear the blasting music and the smell of weed fills our noses. we open the doors and walk in. the common room is decorated in green streams and tinsel, green L.E.D's and smoke from a fog machine. i cant lie we do throw the best parties.

we walk towards the boys, pansy sits next to Blaise and i sit in between Draco and Enzo. draco moves away though. 'that was a real bitch move what you did to astoria' he huffs. I look at him confused. 'what do you mean?'

'you and pansy left her on her own like she just wasn't fucking there!' he yells a little louder. he has never ever yelled at me before so I jump a little. i stand up and walk away, ignoring the fact he is now yelling my name. I grab a half filled cup of fire whiskey but pour it into another so its full to the top. I chug half of it and return back to the boys and sit down. i take they joint from Blaise's hand 'hey!' he protests. I ignore him and take a long drag on it, holding it in for 5 seconds before breathing it out. I take another drag but holding it longer causing me to go a little light headed. i hand it back to Blaise and he huffs but laughs a little.

'I'm gonna go dance who's gonna come with?' pansy stands up and i drag her to the dance floor. i turn my back to her and start grinding and moving up and down as she messes with her hair a little whilst swaying her hips against me. immediately catching the attention of theo, enzo, blaise, and mattheo. all of their eyes on us, smirking. i turn to face her and wrap my hands around her shoulders and she cups my cheeks. i look them all dead in the eyes one by one whilst making out with pansy. she takes a sip of her drink and spits into my mouth and i swallow. we both giggle as we walk back over to them.

'now that was the hottest shit i have ever seen' theo says and smirks. i down the rest of my drink. 'hey dani i bet you cant down the rest of that vodka without scrunching up your face!' blaise yells over the loud music. i grab the bottle and see its just over half way full, even though its a big bottle. 'oh yeah? what if i do!' i ask. he looks up pretending to think making enzo and theo laugh. 'ill give you 20 galleons!' he shouts. 'bet' i wink

i tip the bottle up and down it, only taking me around 20 seconds. 'pay up zabini!' i laugh as he hands me the money. i take it from him and put it in my bra. i stand up and immediately fall back down because of how drunk i am. i stand up again and start stumbling. 'where you going?' enzo asks. 'III am gonnaaa go for a walkkk' i say, dragging mand slurring my words. 'not in that state your not' draco says, a hint of seriousness in his tone. 'im fine dray i can handlee myself!' i say and run off before they can argue with me, almost tripping up a couple of times.

i decide to take off my heals so i can walk better and to give my feet a rest. i make my way out of the common room and spot cormac McClaggen leaning against the wall with a joint in his hand. i make my way over to him and take the joint, placing it between my lips. 'why hello pretty lady' he smirks. 'hellooo' i giggle. he can tell im wasted.  we start talking for a few minutes. he looks into my eyes and cups my cheeks, kissing me forcefully.

'Hey mister! I said stop!' I giggle. His face drops instantly like his family had died. He punches me across the face causing me to fall to the floor and go dizzy. He kind me down and moves my underwear, forcing two fingers in making me whimper in pain. I try screaming but he covers me hand. I bit his fingers and as he jolts back and grabs his hand with his other, I crawl back and scream as loud as I can..

Mattheos POV:

'Your all fucking idiots! He's clearly a fucking duck!' I yell as we play sharades. 'Fuck sake I'm not a duck, not a donkey and especially not a fucking cow!! I'm a penguin!' Blaise yells and rolls his eyes. Everyone goes silent for a second and then starts yelling at him.

'When Dani gets back she's on my team seeing as she's the best player!' Pansy shouts. We all turn our heads to her 'I think the fuck not!' Theo says. 'Yeah no' Draco follows. We all start arguing about who's team she's gonna be on.

That's when we all heard a deafening scream. It was her scream. Me, Draco, enzo and Theo all sprinted towards it as fast as we could while the others weren't far behind.

We then corner after corner and that's when we see what's going on. Her underwear was around 10 feet away from her, she was shuffling back against the wall as cormac has hold of his bleeding hand. He stands up and lunges at her but before he can touch her I run and swing for him, landing a punch at the side of his throat causing him to pass out. I climb on top of him and start beating the life out of him whilst Dani is still crying her eyes out against the wall.

Enzo and Theo rush toward her and try help her up but she can't. 'Avada kedavra!' And within a second his life is gone. I rush to her side and pick her up bridal style and she buries her face into the crook of my neck. I can feel her tears stain my shirt but I don't care.

I bring her to my room and lay her on my bed and cover her up as she soon falls soundly asleep.

I don't know what came over me but the second I saw what was happening, all I could feel was rage, pure fucking rage even though I hate the bitch I felt the need to protect and avenge her...

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