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What the fuck?!

My father and my mother?..

I start hyperventilating. I can't breathe. I CANT FUCKING BREATHE WHY CANT I TALK?!

Mattheo notices what's going on so he embraces me tightly in his arms while whispering in my ear telling me to take deep breaths. He realises it's not working so he pulls my ear to his chest and surprisingly the sound of his heartbeat calms me down?

I immediately run to where I left my mothers body and she's gone. What the fuck is going on?

Suddenly my little sister comes running towards me and pulls me into a tight squeeze hug. 'What the hell?!' I shout. Fuck..

Draco comes running is along with mattheo. They look at me in pure shock. Soon after my mother, father and older brother run in. I pull out my wand and point it between the two of them.

'Don't test me! Two words and it's over for the both of you.' I yell, my voice cracking and begining to sound shaky.

'Danielle put the bloody wand down!' My father says. They both slowly and carefully put their hands to the side of their face to prove they won't do anything (like this 🖐️ 👩🏻‍🦰🖐️)

'I want fucking answers now!' I demand. I see my brother slowly edge closer to me step by step so I quickly point my wand toward him. 'Don't take another step lucian trust me I don't want to hurt you but one more step and your gone' I say with no remorse. He does as I say and steps back.

'Answers. Now' I demand. My mother and father turn to each other. They both nod at the same time. 'You passed the test sweetheart' my mother says. 'Test? FUCKING TEST? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO' I yell, my eyes starting to tear up.

'You see Danielle, for the past few centuries the rosewood family have this thing when their child turns 16 they must do a test on them to see how they handle their emotions and how they deal with the situation.' My mother says.

'You knew what to do and when to do it, like when I tried "killing you" you apparated to somewhere safe which was the malfoy manor, and you did it at the right time because if I was someone else I wouldn't have missed on purpose, and right know you knew not to come alone, you never know what trap you may step into' he explains.

My face drops. I am disgusted and traumatised. 'You sick fucking bastards, so you thought it would be a good fucking idea to traumatise your daughter? What the fuck is wrong with you!' I say. I still don't put my wand down, something feels off. I just can't put my finger on it. I notice my brother smirking out the corner of my eye.

'Just because your my brother that doesn't mean I won't use the cruciactus curse on you' I spit out.
He slowly walks back a little, cautious but careful.

'Danielle you must know we meant no harm! If I really wanted to kill you I would've made sure I didn't miss' my father says as if there's nothing wrong with it.

Charley comes running in. 'Dan Dan play with me!' She excitingly says. I slowly put my wand down so I don't alarm her in any way.

'Not now Charley I will soon I promise you' I say sweetly. I kneel down and kiss her forehead and she runs off giggling.

I stand back up and my face goes from happy back to serious. 'I'm taking Charley I don't give a fuck what either of you have to say, I won't let you out her through the same thing' I say without emotion.

My mother and fathers faces drop. 'NO!' My mother yells. 'I'm begging you Danielle don't do this please give us one more chance I promise you we'll stop!' My father pleads. I look down and then back up to them. 'Last chance, if I find out your planning something trust me I will turn you into the ministry' I say. My mother steps forward to hug me but I step back. I grab mattheos and Dracos hand and we apparate back to the malfoy manor.

I don't speak a word to either of them. I grab a glass of water and return to my bedroom. I immediately break down into tears after locking the door. After finding out my sister and mother died my heart absolutely shattered just to find out it was all a fucking lie? The fuck is wrong with my family.

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