I'm Harry and he is Voldemort

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(Mayank's look)

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(Mayank's look)

It has only been a week or so since she joined YP

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It has only been a week or so since she joined YP. I always managed to embarrass her, poke her, and even question her in team meetings to make her the laughing stock of the week. But what kept me occupied in my thoughts was she never responded or even flipped no matter what I did. Even people around work started ignoring her and hating her, but I never actually enjoyed that. Am I feeling BAD? I don't know why, but I did. I was getting impatient, and I needed a reaction from her, but she never gave me that. It's 10 and she still isn't here. How can she be late? Linda said she had some personal stuff. Where is she? I know she might have been with that Ryan guy. My phone started ringing just then.

"Hello Uncle Joe. Good morning." I said.

"Hello Dear, how is everything going on? I wanted to tell you something, I tried to look for a transfer option but there ain't any opening for Ryan. Let me also tell you dear, he is the best and the most trustworthy guy I have seen. Please rethink on your decision." Uncle said, politely explaining the details. I know he is a good guy, but I don't want anyone to be there near her. It won't make my plan work. She will always turn to him if I do something wrong with her. And I don't want that.

"Yes Uncle, thank you for checking." I replied with a bit of an irritated tone.

"Don't let anything affect you dear, people will come and go but you will be there with yourself. Don't become someone who you might not like."

What made him say this? Am I doing something wrong?

"Uhh, yes Uncle, I just need a little time." I said, I really did.

"I have known you since you were a kid, Mayank. Despite being around Jatin, you never inculcated his nature. You were always like your mom, soft at heart, and the problem here is not Ryan."

Uncle was trying to bring out the good part in me, but why?

"Yes, Uncle. What made you bring this on?" I announced my thoughts for clarification, getting irritated with Ryan coming up in the discussion.

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