Hanging Out With The Hangover

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"You stop talking!" I said.

"No! This is my car and I get to decide who needs to talk first! So, YOU stop talking!" He said, smirking at me. I swear I wanted to bang his face against the steering wheel.

"Yes, I know. You get to decide what I should be doing in MY life." I said, briefly looking at him in the rear-view mirror and then focusing my attention outside the window. I saw him, staring at me for as long as the car was on halt, as long as the traffic signal was red, as long as he could take to understand the second meaning in my words. I guess he did. How?

The speed was doubled after that signal!

I wish I could have said NO last night. I wish I hadn't had that closure last night. I wish I hadn't let him come so emotionally close to me last night!

Last Night...

I fell asleep!!! I know I shouldn't have but I did. It wasn't such a big deal until this Egoistic jerk showed up. He wanted to talk to me about something. Now I really wanted to know what this was about. Is it worth sacrificing my sleep?

"I am all ears." I said, folding my hands, looking at him. He gulped, keeping his jerk face on. It was like he was about to talk about something important, or the face I had on was scary.

"Hear me out first before flipping on me." He said. I gave him a curt nod and he continued.

"You must be aware that the media is talking about us. So, we have decided that it'd be best for YP's reputation to let the media believe that what they think of us is correct. This will bring in more business to us. Our association is going to be fruitful and this is for the betterment of YP. Again, you will be rewarded. Your novel will be published, and I will make sure that you only work six hours a day for four days a week for the same paycheck that you currently get. This is to make sure you get enough time to write. You will also be paid for the time you are with me and you can always ask for more money..."

"What? Do you think I'm a whore?" I was offended to the core. This was the third time he had mentioned money. Although I was just trying to be patient, the jerk kept repeating it and that hurt me the most.

"No, no no no Mehek. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way." He said, coming close and holding my hands. His tone was much softer this time. His eyes looked concerned and at the same time, I felt his apology.

"Then what is it? You mentioned money three Fucking times in four sentences. Do you think I am here for money?" I removed myself from his grasp and asked him.

"I'm sorry, Mehek. I didn't mean it that way at all. I was just trying to ensure that you have something in it for you. To make sure that this is not just for my benefit." He said, coming back to his jerk self. I hate him!

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