Hating him more...

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Well, isn't my life full of cocky bastards screwing it up all the time? 

He was being nice to call me, but I sure as hell didn't expect him to be nice. Before I could thank him, he hung up on me. 


And that's how I ended up here sitting in front of Mohit. Three days later, he kept giving me a death glare. Confused? Well, let me resume what exactly happened!

Mohit and I always had been good friends. Nevertheless, things got a bit complicated between us with time. We completely lost touch when I moved here, but anyhow, he kept checking up on me. I, on the other hand, never replied.

My one and only meeting with Mayank, where he had carried me like a bride to my room at night was caught by paparazzi. Awkward, I know. Plus, the day when Mayank and I went to the café while he was dragging me in was a cherry on top. Some asshole caught these two snaps of us and now we were all over the media. Turns out Mayank is not one of us anymore, he has grown to become one of the richest men alive, especially in the last few weeks.

Mohit was enlightened about all this from social media. It kept broadcasting the news and he took the first flight to NYC and came here. I was shocked as hell when I opened the door to find a guest for the first time. I had surely not expected him! He bombarded me with his questions and showed me the news and then he complained about me being ignorant about the fact that he was my best friend. I was blank and couldn't understand anything. He turned on the news channel and that's when it hit me.

'Most eligible bachelor is seen with his lady love. Her identity is still unknown. Sources have confirmed that she is his lucky charm. They have been together for a month now and can be seen all over each other.'

They were flashing my picture where Mayank was holding me like a bride and taking me inside my apartment building. My face was red as a tomato. I wish Mayank could notice this and handle it before it creates more fuss.

The entire week at work was awful. Everyone kept giving me a death glare, trying to squeeze me in lift on purpose, especially those girls who always drooled when Mayank walked in. Talking about Mayank, I hadn't seen him the entire week. There were no texts and no calls from both ends. I could now put two and two together and realized what was happening to me at work. For fuck's sake I am switching my television ON for the first time today!

I explained everything to Mohit, and he was now giving me a death glare too!

"Why did you not tell me? Don't you trust me enough?" He looked pissed.

"It's not about trust Mohit." I was getting irritated with this conversation now. I know it's not about trust, but I want to be on my own for a while. Mayank was not the same as before. We both had an agreement to not cross each other's paths and that's how everything was going smoothly.

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