Come On Barbie, Lets Go Party...

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I am so done with everything!!! I was trying to find my blue tie when someone came inside

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I am so done with everything!!! I was trying to find my blue tie when someone came inside. Finally, I can vent out on someone. I turned to see Natasha. She was dressed in a low-cut black fitting dress. It was so tight that if she would bend down to pick something from the floor...yeah. That bad.

"Why are you here?" I came straight to the point. I didn't like exchanging pleasantries. It's been a long time since I have done that.

"I came to see you, darlin." She said, coming close enough, ignoring my personal space. She hugged me, lingering kisses on my neckline. I was choking because of her perfume.

"Backoff Natasha!" I shouted at her.

"What's wrong? Have I done something wrong to upset you?" she asked.

"No, look, I have been waiting to talk to you about this for a very long time now." I took a deep breath and said. "We need to forget whatever happened that day. I'm not that type of person and you mean a lot to me. I cannot hurt you. You were there with me when Mehek left."

"Is she back in your life now?" Her question caught me off guard and I was a little disturbed with that. She was talking rubbish.

"NO, how can you even think about that? Natasha, you are my friend and I don't feel that way for you. You need to understand that. I'm so sorry for what happened the other day. I promise that won't happen again." I said, getting irritated by the time it ended. I started moving towards the door when she caught my wrist and tried to kiss me. I quickly pushed her away.

"What are you doing, are you fucking out of your mind?" I shouted angrily.

"You played with me Mayank, since she is back now you don... don't need me" she started crying. "You knew I loved you, why did you do this to me?" She was crying so loudly I was sure my house help could hear her from downstairs.

"Look Natasha, I'm not going to lie but I don't love you. I didn't play with your feelings. I told you the very first day that there is no future for your love, but you still wanted to come to NYC." I rubbed my face, thinking about what I needed to tell her. It happened when I saw Mehek with Ryan and that's when I called Natasha. I needed a friend to talk to and she was here for some work and was staying in a hotel near my house. We drank that day. I was just going through what I saw, though it was her talking all the time while I was doing the thinking part. I don't know what happened next, but I excused myself to go to the loo and came back soon. She offered to dance with me, and I agreed. The next thing I remember is that I woke up next to her. I was in my boxers and I didn't dare to imagine what might have happened.

I quickly got dressed and left. She told me that I had slept with her, but I could never do that, not even in my dreams. She was just a friend for me and even after knowing about her feelings for me, I could never betray her. But I was there, and I could see the lipstick marks on my chest and my jawline. Uhhh! I don't even want to think about it.

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