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Brianna, Jessica, and I arrived at lunch about 5 minutes ago, we found our seats and were waiting for Mikayla to join us. 


"Where the hell is she?" I said annoyed from watching the lunchroom door open and close for other students but with Mikayla nowhere in sight. "Her class isn't even that far from here."

"Maybe she got lost or forgot it's lunch. You know her mind drifts away when it comes to Mindless Behavior she must have had a class with them" Jessica chuckled.

"Stop making it seem like she can't control herself Jessica." I rolled my eyes.

"Im sorry, were we all not there for the morning in front of the school? She basically lost her shit." she replied.

"Anywaysss..." Brianna cut in "How was your classes with the boys?" she said as she bit into her apple. 

"Jessica and I had Ray Ray and Princeton in our second class but no words were exchanged...they were just there," I said.

Jessica shrugged at what I said "I mean I didn't really have anything I wanted to say to them...besides they had their groups of fans screaming around them in class" she laughed "The teachers were soooo frustrated"  

"Well, I literally got hit with a door by Roc Royal on my way to class," Brianna said nonchalantly.

"You met Roc Royal? Like spoke to him and everything?" I said in disbelief.

"With no group of screaming girls following him?" Jessica also said in disbelief.

Brianna put down her apple on a napkin "Wow! Thank you so much for your concern guys, I'm okay! Thanks for asking" She said sarcastically. 

"Girl, clearly you're okay." I said laughing "So how was he?"

Brianna shrugged and continued to eat her apple "He was apologetic about hitting me with the door....and no there wasn't a group of girls surrounding him Jess." I said shooting a look in her direction. " But anyway...he was nice and I mean REALLY cute up close...he grabbed my arm and I literally thought I was going to explode... I think we are sort of acquantices now? We actually had the same English class together so we walked together...so I think we're cool." she said as she stopped rambling. 

I began smiling hard "Sounds like you like him, Bri..." and I saw Jessica groan from beside me.

She nodded slowly "I guess I do more than I admitted" 

"I have no one on my side!" Jessica groaned dramatically "No one!"

"Things change Jess sorry...It's hard not to like them" Brianna laughed. "You'll soon join us with the same opinion, I know it." 

"Never!!!" Jessica said jokingly "I wo-" I cut her off

I gasped "Wait! Is that...." I pointed towards the lunchroom doors "Mikayla with..."

"Prodigy?" We all said together. 

Mikayla was walking into the lunchroom hand in hand with Prodigy, they looked like a couple. Most of the girls in the lunchroom turned to look at them and were confused. Why did they look so....close? They separated once they were getting all of the stares and Prodigy went to sit with his groups. While Mikayla ignored and walked past all of the envious girls making her way to our table. 

She sat down next to Brianna "Whats up guys? Sorry I'm late I had to drop off some stuff to my locker"

"And you picked up Prodigy on the way here?" Jessica asked sarcastically 

Mikayla sighed and shrugged "No we just got to talking when I was about to leave my locker."

"Are we missing something here?" I asked looking around at all of their faces "What do you mean 'You just got to talking?' "

"Um....Lets just say that I...know him..." Mikayla mumbled.

"Yes, we all know him. He's Prodigy from Mindless Behavior, nearly every girl in this lunchroom knows him" Brianna said sarcastically. "But nobody else walked in here hand in hand with him, so do you care to elborate?" 

"I never told you guys this but Cri- Prodigy and I go wayyy back. Before he was in Mindless Behavior" Mikayla said

"Wait...wait...wait..you actually knew him...personally?" Jessica asked

Mikayla nodded "Well, yeah." she then explained "We basically knew each other since birth as neighbors, our mother's were friends so we of course grew up together. We were basically best friends right up until I left in the 3rd grade to move here." she shrugged "We continued to keep in touch for while maybe up until the beginning of middle school but then he joined Mindless Behavior. By that point we weren't really speaking much anyways and then the world knew him as Prodigy."

"Wow," We all said in unison.

"Why wouldn't you tell us you personally knew a celebrity?" I said, "I mean this is pretty big news, in my opinion."  

"Well, it isn't really big news to me. In my opinion, he's just Craig my childhood best friend who I lost touch with." she shrugged "Sometimes it's hard to see him as Prodigy, but of course I still obsessed over the group I had to support him" 

"Sooo... you have a crush on your childhood best friend...interesting..." Brianna smirked and Mikayla blushed "Does he share the same feelings?"

"I mean...I think so? I'm not very sure...he was poking fun at me and called me cute but I don't think he was flirting I think he was just being friendly" Mikayla said as fidgeted with her hair and continue to look down blushing. 

"Sounds like you need to find out where he stands," Jessica said and then lowered her voice "You could start dating a member from Mindless Behavior." 

Mikayla shook her head fast "Um... I dont know about that these girls in this school would kill me" she laughed "Besides when did you get so invested in Mindless Behavior? I thought you didn't care about them?" she smirked

"I'm interested in my friend's love life that just happens to include Mindless Behavior....nothing more to it and nothing less." Jessica explained

I whispered " She sooo wishes that this situation was her and Princeton right now" and we all laughed besides Jessica.

Jessica sat back in her chair and rolled her eyes "Oh whatever, that's so not true."

"Dont worry Jess your interaction with Princeton will come, just wait on it" Brianna winked playfully and Jessica blushed in response to what she said.

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