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I was currently at my locker putting away the books that I've already used and switching them out for the books I was going to need later for classes. As far as I know, Jacob and Kaylee are somewhat moving forward with their relationship...and at this point, I don't think I'm mad anymore. It pretty much is what it is...and I've been learning to accept it. I had to be real with myself, originally I wasn't even interested in any of them but things changed. The majority of the reason why our relationship wasn't pushed further...was I guess my fault. But, at this point it's fine.


As I continued raking through my thoughts, my thought process was broken by the sound of an ear-piercing scream. That's when I realized that there were other students rushing past me in the same direction that the sound came from. I quickly closed my locker and grabbed my belongings to follow the rest of the students in the direction that they were heading. When I arrived, I found my way through the crowd to see exactly what was going on...and Oh...My...Gosh...

Brianna and Nevaeh were fighting...and Brianna was beating the living crap out of her as Nevaeh screamed out in anger and pain as she attempted to fight back.

I finally spotted the crew not too far away, they seemed amused by the sight in front of them. I moved towards them and stood next to Mikayla "How long has this been going on for?" I asked 

"At least the last five minutes," she said shaking her head "Well, first they were arguing and then Nevaeh..." she took a breath before continuing "decided to put her hands on Brianna." 

I continued to watch the fight for a few seconds longer before I couldn't stand to watch anymore, I then turned towards Chresanto "Chresanto... please get Brianna off of her" I said 

he turned to me still visibly amused "She almost broke up Brianna and I" he shrugged "She's getting what she deserves"

I sighed "Trust me I get it...but she had enough," I said pleading with him "Stop, Bri before she gets herself in even more trouble." With that, he nodded and went in to pull Brianna off of Nevaeh.  Ray joined him to pull Nevaeh away from Brianna's grasp and finally they were separated, Kaylee came running over to Nevaeh's aid. 

Nevaeh shook out of Ray's grip "CRAZY FUCKING BITCH" Nevaeh screamed. "YOU WILL FUCKING PAY"

Brianna attempted to get out of Chresanto's grip but he continued to hold on to her. "FUCK YOU HOE, I TOLD YOU MULTIPLE TIMES TO BACK THE FUCK OFF."

"EXCUSE ME!" Our principal screamed over them and they went silent immediately, "Nevaeh AND Brianna. MY office. NOW!" The principal waited as Nevaeh and Brianna collected themselves to follow her back to her office. 

"What. The. Hell," I said slowly turning to the crew. By now the crowd has broken apart and headed in different directions. "She is in deep shit."

"Your slut friend is the cause of this." we all turned to face Kaylee who was speaking to us. "If she would just step aside, none of this shit would happen! Brianna has always been after Nevaeh's guys." 

"Are you literally smoking crack?" Kristina snapped "Your 'Best Friend' has ALWAYS been the problem."

"And I don't even want Nevaeh... if anyone even cares for my opinion," Chresanto said rolling his eyes. 

Kaylee puffed out air "Please, like you didn't go after her in the first place." 

"I didn't!" Chresanto snapped "Is this what she told you?"

Kaylee stepped closer to all of us "She said you were trying to fuck her before Brianna walked in on you two." she shrugged "She said you and her were naked and was about to start but Brianna interrupted"

Chresanto eyes went wide "You do understand, shes fucking lying right?" 

"Why are you just blindly believing her?" Jacob chimed indirectly to Kaylee and I glanced towards them. "Why would these many people make this shit up, Kaylee?"

Kaylee narrowed her eyes at him "I don't expect you NOT to side with them, Jacob" she rolled her eyes "Fuck all of y'all." she said and walked off. 

After she walked off I glanced at Jacob who was shaking his head and then his eyes met mine for a second. I shook my head and turned away "Let's go wait at the Principal office doors, she shouldn't be long." We all nodded and walked in the direction of the main office. 

• • •


Mrs. Burns sent Nevaeh to the nurse's office after she got through with questioning both of us, currently, I'm the only one left in the room with her. 

"Suspended for a week?! Mrs. Burns that bitch started it!" I exclaimed 

"Brianna!" she exclaimed "Watch your language and tone!" I sighed and sat back in my chair as I listen to her continue to speak "Did you see that poor girl? Broken nose? Busted lip? Brianna you can't be serious." she shook her head "Whatever she did to you, doesn't excuse what you did to her."

I scoffed "Whatever. She is never in the wrong...like EVER." I stood up and grabbed my bag "Can I go now?" 

"Brianna just so you know, I should really be giving you longer than a week. BUT, given this is your senior year this the break I'm cutting you." she eyed me and then sat back in her chair "...You Jackson's...never stop fighting do you? Trey was always a handful when he attended here." 

I chuckled dryly and folded my arms "Trey and I, don't ever start shit Mrs. Burns. But, we damn well will finish them"  

"Language. Brianna." she said narrowing her eyes at me. "And yes...I think it's best you leave now before you make it worst for yourself...you're school work will be delivered to you by either a family member coming to pick it up or a classmate dropping it home to you." She sat back up and logged back into her desktop "Go, home now."

I turned to leave and mumbled 'Bitch' under my breath as I walked out of the office. When I reached the office I saw the crew standing there waiting for me. "Suspended," I said rolling my eyes

"Both of you guys?" Craig asked with his eyebrow risen. 

"Nope, just me. One week." I shrugged as I walked over to Chresanto 

"Just you?" he asked "She started the shit." 

I nodded "Yup, that's what I said but as usual they don't hear that shit" I rolled my eyes "it's whatever, look I'm tired and this bitch kicked me in my side...I was instructed to go home so I'm going to do that." 

"Call us later, Bri." Mikayla said as she hugged me lightly "That bitch will get her karma. She's ruined too much shit."

I chuckled "I know Mimi, thanks...and yeah girls I'll call you guys to-" I started to say but I cut myself off and looked at Jessica who was looking at me with her arms crossed. "Jessica, do you want to be in the call?"

She slowly nodded and walked over to me "Bri, I'm not fighting with you anymore...I was being stupid...I'm sorry about that"

I lightly laughed "Jess, I'm so over that shit" we hugged lightly "So? Call you?"

"Of course." she smiled 

"Call us too" Ray joked as he made his voice higher to mimic us, we all laughed 

"Sure,  girls only" I teased jokingly, "But, I have to go now guys...talk to you guys later," We all said our goodbyes, and I hugged and kissed Chresanto before I headed in the direction to leave the school and head to the parking lot to drive myself home. 


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