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The girls and I were heading to our last class of the day, Dance. We walked into the dance studio and discovered that Mindless Behavior was also in this class and they have now developed a group of girls around them...again. 


"Of course they would be in this class" I sighed as I spoke to the girls.

"Well, it's no surprise." Kristina replied and shrugged

"Let's just head over here and get settled" Brianna suggested and we walked to the opposite side of the room to put our stuff down. 

• • •

We started stretching together before the teacher arrived, once he did

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We started stretching together before the teacher arrived, once he did. He got the girls to calm down from crowding Mindless Behavior and gained all of our attention. He explained that this class will be a Hip-Hop class this year and that as it is the first day of class he wanted all of us to do something fun. He wanted us to get a partner or into a group of 2-4 people, which of course the girls and I just looked at each other and silently agreed to be a group. We were supposed to make up a dance routine to a song of our own choosing, we had basically the entire period to finish it before we performed what we put together at the end of class. 


"Girls, you already know what song we're choosing" Mikayla laughed, "Me & U by Cassie" this is one song we all love and we have played around with a dance routine to it in our free time when we're hanging out just for fun. 

"Oh, of course" I laughed "We can just use the routine we began at your house Kris," I said motioning towards her. 

"Oh sure," Kristina nodded "Everyone remember it? I mean I don't think we got that far with it If I remember correctly," she said 

"Well, let's just build off what we have already or whatever we remember," I said and everyone agreed. 

• • •

20 Mins later

"Okay, everyone, stop where you are. We are going to begin your group performances!" Our teacher said "It's okay if you didn't complete a full dance to the entire length of your song choice, you will perform whatever you have at the moment. First group!" he pointed to one of the groups of 3 in the middle of the room. "You guys will begin." 

• • •

We watched many groups perform and then finally Mindless Behavior went, they actually chose one of their songs which made girls in the room go crazy and sing along as they performed. They of course were so good and it was really fun to see them perform in front of us. Wait, fun? Oh Geez...I've fallen into the Mindless Behavior trap. When they finished we were the last group to be called, so we all got up and made our way to the middle of the room and got into our positions.

 The music began (Video: 0:10 - 1:15), as we performed I could see MB speaking to one another and paying attention to our performance. But, If I think I saw correctly I could see Princeton looking at me. Woah...what's happening today. We finally finished and the bell rang signaling classes ended but of course this was the senior's last period so we got to leave school early. The girls and I walked back over to the corner where our stuff was laying on the floor and began packing up to leave. 


I began drinking my water but then I heard someone speak from behind me "You guys did great!" I turned around to face Mindless Behavior and Prodigy talking. "But, Mimi I think you were a bit off-beat though" he joked with her.

"Funny." She laughed lightly as she stood up from the floor with her bag "I was going to say the same thing about you." she shot back

"Twice with the comebacks in one day? Really, what happened to you Mimi?" he joked

She shrugged jokingly "Oh I'm sorry you guys were great," she said speaking to Ray Ray, Roc Royal, and Princeton. "Your leader boy here was just hurting my eyes." she said and they all laughed.

"Realll funny Mimi," he said laughing. "Anyways, guys this is Mikayla and her friends...I'm sorry I would introduce everyone but I don't know the rest of y'alls names." he said apologetically. 

Brianna laughed "It's no problem, I see Mikayla didn't get a chance to tell you about us when you guys had your little meeting before lunch," she said as she nudged Mikayla who blushed along with Prodigy. "My name is Brianna, nice to officially meet you all without your crowd of groupies surrounding you." she then looked over to me and Kristina as she bent back down to pick up her bag. 

"I'm Kristina, big fan of you guys...of course not as big as Mikayla over there," she said at Mikayla.

"You girls are really killing me right now. Oh my gosh.." she said hiding her face and everyone laughed.

After the soft laughter died down everyone's attention turned to me as picked up my bag. "Oh, I'm Jessica." I said waving slightly. 

"So little words, are you also a big fan of us?" I heard Princeton say to me jokingly. "You seem nervous." 

"Um, sorry to disappoint but no I'm not...but I wont deny," I said glancing at the girls "It's exciting to meet you all," I said laughing lightly.

"No disappointment at all" Princeton shrugged laughing "It's refreshing to not always meet a screaming fan."

"Extremely refreshing," Ray Ray said laughing "I dont know if my ears can take anymore screaming today," he said, and then Kristina grabbed her bag so all of us as a group began walking out of the now empty dance studio. 

"Well, I'm glad to hear that," I said as I felt myself smiling and I saw Brianna wiggle her eyebrows in my direction and stuck out my tongue at her. 

"And since Mikayla is Prod's friend you can refer to us by our names, that's the least we ask from you guys since you haven't been a screaming fan like everyone else." Ray Ray said, "I'm Rayan but really Ray Ray is still nickname you can choose what you want to call me."

"Chresanto or like Bri already knows Chres," he said smirking in Brianna's direction 

"Craig,"  Prodigy said 

"and I'm Jacob," Princeton said a little more directed to me. "And we can also give you guys are numbers." And with that, we all exchanged our numbers with the boys and vice versa. 


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