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It was Saturday evening and I was laying in bed on my phone scrolling through Instagram, my mom left for the weekend for business and will be back tomorrow afternoon. The house was pretty much quiet with her, being the only child I had no one else to be left home with but sometimes I enjoyed being on my own. I stopped scrolling through Instagram when an iMessage came in from Craig. 


6:15 pm

TXT: {Craig} Hey. what's up? 😄

TXT: {Mikayla} Hey. nothin just chilling 🥱

TXT: {Craig} Do u have any plans today?

TXT: {Mikayla} Besides just sitting around here? Then no. Why?

TXT: {Craig} I was just going to ask u if u want to go out. 👀

TXT: {Mikayla} WHAT!!?? 😳😳😳

TXT: {Craig} As in to go do something stupid 🙄

TXT: {Mikayla} oh... AND HEY! 🤬

TXT: {Craig} 😂😂😂

TXT: {Mikayla}  😑

TXT: {Craig} For real tho do want to go do something or rather be stuck in the house all day?

TXT: {Mikayla} Rather be stuck in the house all day. 😁

TXT: {Craig} ur no fun...😩

TXT: {Mikayla} so why don't u just come over and watch a movie. My mom isn't here this weekend so I have the house to myself  😁

TXT: {Craig}  👁👄👁

TXT: {Mikayla} NOT in that way craig...😓

TXT: {Craig} I know you lol 😜 I was just playing with u.

TXT: {Mikayla}  ughhhh 🙄... r u coming or not?

TXT: {Craig}  Yeah. 🙄😂 What's your address?

TXT: {Mikayla} *address*

TXT: {Craig} ok. what time do u want me to come over?  👀

TXT: {Mikayla} like 7:00? 

TXT: {Craig} Got it, see you in a bit 😊

TXT: {Mikayla} I'll be waiting 😊

• • •

6:58 pm

I finished getting dressed for the company and straightened up my room before heading downstairs. I'm extremely nervous which is so weird...when I was younger Craig would come over all the time and it was no problem, now i'm freaking out like this is our first time. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some bowls to put some snacks in along with some stuff to drink. 

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