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Brianna's suspension week went by pretty quickly, after school the girls and I brought her the assignments she missed and we hung out at her house for a bit working on our homework assignments. Now, it was Sunday and the entire crew was heading to the beach for a day of fun and relaxation. This meant today was definitely going to be great since Nevaeh and Kaylee were no longer invited to our crew outings. After that outburst from Kaylee, Jacob has now stopped speaking to her...he finally saw her nasty true colors. Which of course we are all glad he eventually did, we just all hoped it would be a bit sooner. 


I was walking around my room gathering things I would need to put in my bag to go to the beach. I pulled out my bikini and laid it out on my bed and turned to head into the bathroom to shower and stuff but my attention was averted by the phone lighting up from a notification.

TXT: {Jessica}  Mimi, I know this last minute but I'm not going...

TXT: {Mikayla} What? Why not??

TXT: {Jessica} Everyone will have their boyfriends and Jacob and I...well we would just be sitting there...awkward...

TXT: {Mikayla} I don't think it will be awkward between you two...I think you should still come, Jess.

TXT: {Jessica} Our last conversation at the end of February wasn't exactly the best...just to avoid weirdness I'm staying home. 

TXT: {Mikayla}  😕 Well, okay have a nice day at home Jess

TXT: {Jessica} I'll try my best lol 

• • •

After telling my mom 'bye' I headed outside my house to get into the boy's van. I was the last one to be picked up so I quickly got in and took my seat next to Craig, I greeted everyone and gave Craig a kiss. The van driver took off immediately and we all began talking to one another. 

"Anyone heard from Jessica?" Brianna asked turning around in her seat

"Yeah she..." I paused and thought quickly of an excuse to cover the real reason for her absence. "...She isn't feeling well...you know girl shit." I lied brushing them off and for the most part, everyone just nodded in understanding.

• • •


We finally arrived, gathered all of our stuff out of the van, and headed straight onto the beach to find a spot for all of us in a secluded area. Once we found it, we all spread out a bit and placed our items down.  I slipped off my shirt and shorts and then laid out my towel on the sand next to Ray's. I put my outer clothes into my bag and laid back on a towel, I looked up to see Ray taking off his shirt.

"Enjoying the view?" He said smirking 

"Hm, maybe..." I said and turned over to my stomach and looked back at him. "Are you enjoying the view?" I said flirtatiously 

"Oh, definitely," he said and bent down to smack my ass.

I gasped "Rayan!" He started laughing as I got up off the ground and began chasing him towards the water. "I'm going to get you! Get back here!" The rest of the crew followed behind us shortly to join in the water fight we were all now currently in. 

• • •

7:27 PM


I was currently laying in bed watching Spongebob, my parents told me tonight I was on babysitting duty since they were going out. Just great... part of me wishes I went out with the crew to the beach, at least that way I wouldn't have spent my entire Sunday in the house. 


There was a knock on my door so I responded and muted the TV waiting for her to come in "Yes, mom?"

"Jess?" the voice said as the door opened. That wasn't my mom...it was a male voice and it wasn't my dad either...it was Jacob?

He stepped into the room further and continued looking at me. "What..." I said as I sat up in bed adjusting my clothes "What are you doing here?"

"You weren't at the beach today," he shrugged "You okay?"

I paused before responding "You stopped here to ask me this, Jacob?" I said as I cocked my head to the side. "Shouldn't you be with Kaylee right now?"

He rolled his eyes "Now, I know that YOU know me and she is no longer speaking" he then moved over to sit at the edge of my bed "Mikayla said it was girl shit why you didn't come today...but somehow I think that's a lie too" 

Well, not that type of girl shit thanks, Mimi... I shrugged "Just wasn't up to it I guess"

"or...you're still avoiding me," he said shaking his head and laid back on my bed.

"Uh, did I give you permission to get comfortable on my bed?" I said jokingly as I looked over at him. He glanced at me as he smiled a little "Okay...I just thought it would be awkward" I said looking away 

"Awkward for who?" he questioned 

"Us," I said snapping my focus back on him. "Our last full conversation wasn't exactly great..." I shrugged 

He nodded and sat back up, he moved closer to me "I'm over it, I really just miss being around you." 

"But, Kaylee..." I said quietly 

"Like I said last time, I really only want you. Kaylee really doesn't compare to the way I feel about you." he moved his face even closer to me 

I moved closer to his face "For real?" I whispered 

"Yes..." he said as his lips finally met mine. We kissed for a couple of seconds and continued to get more and more into it. Well, that was until I heard...

A gasp came from my bedroom door and we both pulled away to look at Jade who was standing there with Jenna covering her eyes "Gross Jessica!" Jenna giggled as she attempted to pull Jade's hands away from covering her eyes. 

'Oh my gosh...' I mumbled and Jacob chuckled lightly "My man, Jessica?" Jade said in disbelief "I can't belive this!" she continued to dramatically gasp. 

"Oh you are so embarrassing...get out! Take Jenna with you please!" I said to them 

Jade softly pushed Jenna out of my room "Mom says her and Dad are leaving so.." she glanced in Jacob's direction "Princeton...has to go...sadly" She then turned to walk out of my room as well.

Jacob chuckled "I guess, it's time for to go" he stood up "We will talk more tomorrow at school" 

I smiled "Yeah," I stood up "Let me walk you out" he nodded as we both exited my room but I stopped him in the hallway "Thank you for coming and I'm sorry for my behavior these past months..."

He laughed "Everything is good babe"

My eyebrows rose as I smiled "So we are...?" 

"I mean it's about time" he shrugged smiling along with me 

"Well, you're right about that," I said and kissed him again before we both headed down the stairs to the front door so he could leave. What a turn of events for my lazy Sunday...


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