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I'm totally fucked.

That was the first thing I thought when I heard him. I was staring at the same Russo my father told me to stay away from. I knew I shouldn't have walked in here but what did I do, I didn't listen one bit and thought maybe he wouldn't be inside.

Since Middle school I made sure to stay away from the Russo family because all they did was Bully people and they think they are better than everyone. One reason why he was known as the king was because not only is he a football prodigy but he is the future heir to the Russo Empire meaning he would soon be apart of this, why did i think I could escape him, no one could escape him, unless you lived in a cave but eventually he would find you.

And what to the police do, nothing. That's what they always do when it comes to the Russo and Lombardi family. They choose to ignore them and

Lorenzo Russo

Captian of the football Team

King of the School

And attractive as fuck.

It wasn't just his eyes. Everything about him was attractive. His jet black hair was messy in the front and long enough for a girl to run their fingers through while- not the time Astoria, he had a sharp jawline for an seventeen year old going to eighteen. They were so many good features of him but the only bad thing was his personality.

"Your not supposed to be here princess." He said

I just nodded at his words. Why was I nodding. I didn't get a chance to answer when he walking closer to me.

"Do you know what happened to girls who go to places they aren't supposed to be at."

I wasn't paying much attention until he grabbed my arm and pulled me into another room downstairs and inside were four of his other teammates. Two of them I barely knew but two of them I knew quite well.

"Look who I found." He said as the guys turned their heads to me.

"Seems like you found your favourite person." One of them said

I recognized who he was, he was Lorenzo's twin brother and my bestfriend's ex boyfriend. I didn't have any plans on staying longer because one I was being surrounded by some of the most popular guys here and two I was supposed to be home thirty-five minutes ago, father is gonna kill me.

"Do you guys really think you should be messing with her." Xavier said.

"Your just saying that because Sylvia is her best friend." Kayvon said

"That and she would kill me is one of you do something to her."

"You got lucky this time princess but next time you won't be so lucky." Lorenzo said

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him. God I hated this guy.

The door opened and Sylvia appeared. "Where the hell were you Tori I've been calling you and you kept on ignoring it."

"Calm down, that was my doing." Lorenzo said pulling out my phone from his jacket. How the hell did he steal my phone. I grabbed my phone from him and headed upstairs and we left.

Once we got inside the house, it was dark at first until the light switched on once we walked in. Infront of us my father and his girlfriend were sitting on the kitchen table. I told Sylvia to head to my bedroom and she left.

"Where were you Astoria. It's been almost an hour since your curfew." My father's girlfriend said

"I don't have to answer to you I don't like you." I said. I never liked her she was just here to replace my mom and my dad was letting her do it.

"Don't speak to your mother like that." My father said

"She's not my mother, she will never replace mom." I said. She probably was hurt once I said that because she looked down at the floor and my father was filled with rage.

"Apologies to her right now." He said

"No, why would I apologize for the truth."

"Say your sorry or else."

"Our else what." I said. I know what he was going to do if u didn't apologize but i really didn't care,it was another situation whereby he chooses a stranger over his own daughter. "She isn't gonna be here longer, she's like every other girl you have been with, you date them, propose to them and then you break of the engagement weeks before the wedding."

That was definitely the last straw because after I said that he punched me in my eye harder than usual. My eye was throbbing from the punch and I'm pretty sure it left a mark. I tried holding back my tears because I hated crying but eventually those tears started coming out slowly.

Not now Tori, don't cry.

"Apologies to her now." He said and I knew I had to say something or else things would get worse. "Sorry for acting like that, Celeste." I said

"It's fine Astoria." She said as she left the room and my dad turned to me. "If you don't stop this attitude you can forget about going to college understand?"

"Yes father."

"You know you really disappoint me Astoria." He said as he left the room.

Your really disappoint me Astoria

I hated every single word of that sentence but then again I've gotten used to his cruel words. I headed upstairs and luckily Sylvia was asleep, I headed to the bathroom and as I suspected I did have a black eye. Worst part was my makeup was finished and I couldn't cover it up tomorrow meaning I would have to just go into school like that.

I brushed my teeth then quickly washed my face and headed to bed. I really missed my mom, even though I knew about her illness it still hurts that my dad moved on so quickly when she died. I was crying for months and my dad was already dating someone 3 days after she died and he didn't even care to comfort his 5 year old daughter. He probably never cared about me but the thing is that mom didn't look that sick to me she looked healthy but dad claimed that she died from an illness.


I know this chapter was a bit brutal but as I mentioned in the introduction they will be abuse in this.

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