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Astoria Hawthorne

The Hawthorne princess. The second she stepped into the room I knew that screwing with her would mean one thing.

Pissing of Uncle

I never liked my uncle but ever since my parents died he ended up talking over the Russo Empire and secretly has an underground sex trafficking company which was something my father was against but now since he has power over the empire he can do whatever he wants.

Worst part is Luca isn't doing anything about this even though our uncle is the reason why Dahila ended things with him. Luca has just been secretive meaning that he is planning something or doing something he should be doing. Either way there was nothing I could do about it.

The next morning after the party the whole house was in a mess. Just the way I wanted it to be. "What a fucking mess." Luca said coming out of his bedroom while a girl left his room. No wonder I was hearing noises in my sleep. And here I thought I was just dreaming.

And boy I wish I was.

"Yep, he's gonna be so pissed. Well there's nothing we can do about it. I'm heading to school, you want me to take you there." I said

Luca turned around to look at the house before turning back at me.

"Um, you go ahead. I think I'm gonna stay home today." He said. Of course he is, he's definitely going to fix up the place before he came back from Italy. I headed outside and started the car and drove over to Jaxon's place to come pick him up and surprisingly I had to waited ten minutes before he came out of his house.

"You look like shit." I said

"I feel like it. Wait a bit because Xavier is still inside."

"Please don't tell me you two had sex." I said. "Because if you did I will never let you two hear the end of it."

"Nope, he was drunk and since I was his ride home I had to take him to my place and he slept in the guest bedroom."

"And your aunt was fine with that."

"She was out on another date."

"She's still dating at her age." I said as Xavier walked out of the house. "What happened to you." I turned to him.

"I drank so much last night and now I swear I'm seeing things, if I OD in school don't tell Sylvia about it." Xavier said

"Next time don't overdose on a school night." I said

"Or don't have a party on a school night you fucking idiot." Jaxon said

"I will throw your ass out of this car." I said

"You wouldn't." He said

"I'm pretty sure he would, he ran over three people last week when we were riding our motorcycles." Xavier said as I started the car and drove over to school.

We arrived in school and classes felt like a drag until it was finally lunch time and while we were talking Xavier was asleep for God who knows how long.

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