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Astoria didn't talk to me for days after she found out the truth. I honestly didn't blame her because if I was in her position I would be pissed as well. Eventually she did text me saying she wanted us to meet up to discuss the project. Obviously not at her house cause her father was back so I told her that I would pick her up and drive her to my house. She did argue about is cause she was afraid of getting caught but I assured her that we won't get caught.


I arrived a few minutes later and texted her that I'm at the side of her house. I didn't have to wait to long cause I saw her walking towards my car, she opened the door and got inside before telling me to start driving.

"Not even a hello Princess." I say as she was putting her seatbelt on. She stopped what she was doing before turning her head to the side and narrowing her eyes at me.

"Well you woke up and choose violence." I said before I started the car and drove of. We arrived at my house after some time and headed into my room. The second the door shut Astoria locked it for some reason then turned to me. "Ok I know I shouldn't have done this but I needed answers."

"What did you do?"

"I did a little research on your parents and my family. Turns out my mother died eight months after your parents died."


"Meaning she knew something and who ever killed her probably killed your parents which could probably mean who ever attacked us in the library knows something." She said placing her bag on the desk. "So your saying if we find the person who attacked us, then we can find the killer."

"Yep, shouldn't be to hard since I've been getting messages from an unknown for the past week." She said

"Wait, someone has been calling you." I said before she nodded yes to the question which made me feel a bit of relief. "I've been getting calls from someone for for the past three weeks."

"And your only saying it know. What if you got hurt."

I sat on my bed before staring at her. "Same goes to you princess. I know someone who can help us track down the number."

"And who might that be."

Once the door bell rang I headed over to it and opened it, I expected to see Mason here but what I didn't expect what that he would bring another girl here. "Who is she." I said pointing at the girl, she had blonde hair, green eyes and had a serious expression on her face. She seemed like one of the cheerleaders.

"I'm sure you know her, Elizabeth Rodriguez."

I tilted my head to the side. "Nope her name doesn't ring a bell."

"You have got to be fucking kidding me, how doesn't my name ring a bell. I have three different classes with you." She said.

"Sorry sweetie, nothing comes to my mind." I say. "I'm suprised I didn't remember a pretty girl like you." Not only did I receive a death stare from her but Mason was staring. I'm also sure I felt Astoria's stare, now is a good time to make a move on her and see if she's falling for me.

Not that it really matters.

"If you're going to be flirting with my girlfriend I'd suggest you let us in before things get worse for you." Mason said, I forgot how much of a jerk he is. Not only is he dangerous but he's involved in a lot of dangerous things, from what I remember I know he attends races and sells drugs.

Now I'm wondering how Elizabeth would react to this. Knowing that she isn't the violent type. "How rude of me, please do come inside." I said with a hint of sarcasm. Mason wasn't my first choice when it came to this, normally I'd call Jaxon to do this but he couldn't come cause he was "occupied at the moment". I was about to asked him why until I heard a female voice in the background of the call.

I didn't even need to know anything else after that. As for the random caller we couldn't get anything mainly because the used a burner phone to call us. As for Astoria, she was hating the fact Elizabeth and I were talking alot. It was a perfect plan and it seemed to be working, once they left I closed the door and headed to the kitchen.

"So I guess all of that was for nothing." She said. "Not really, we can still find ways of tracking them down but that shouldn't be out main priority."

"Really?" She says as she was walking into the kitchen. "So what is our main priority."

"Simple, you talking to Celeste and asking her about her connection with your mom."

"Oh, that thing. I'll ask her when I go dress shopping." She said as she sat down. "So, Elizabeth seems nice." Wait, is she talking about her at a time like this? Is my plan actually working out. "Yeah, she does seem nice, to bad she's dating Mason." I say as I opened the fridge to get a drink.

"So I'm guessing you have an interest in her." She said

"Maybe, she's pretty but not my type."

"You sure about that, cause it seems like you two were talking alot. Besides she's really pretty so I wouldn't be suprise if you decide to date her."

Seems like I might be winning this after all. "Are you jealous princess."

"No, not really." She murmured the last part but I heard it loud and clear. "Don't worry about that Princess, I don't want to be with her."

"It's just I hate seeing you talk to other girls, it's just sickening."

"I can't help that ladies want me." I said walking to her. "Well I'm not one of them." She says.

"I love how you think you can trick me. Be careful Princess, you would want to be falling for me now would you."

"I won't fall for you."

"Smart girl." I say as i lift her chin up. "Besides, I think being overprotective looks better on me than you." I said before giving her a peck on the forehead before kissing her on the lips. Why the fuck did I decided to kiss her?

The real question I should be asking myself is if she will pull away? Answer is, she didn't she kissed me back then I eventually pulled away from her. "I guess I'll agree on that."

"Good girl, now I'd suggest I drive you home before your daddy gets mad." I said as I started walking to get my keys but she stops me. "I'll get an uber, I'll be fine Lorenzo."

"You better be telling the truth." I say to her. "I am, don't worry about it." She said. I did offer to drop her off at one of the bus stops so her uber wouldn't have to drive a long way. Once we stopped at the bus stop she was about to get out before she turned to me and suprisely kissed me for a short time. "Goodbye Lorenzo." She said before getting out of the car.

"Goodbye Princess."

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