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"How the hell did you guys get cheetos inside my car, and how the hell did you spill a slushie on my car seats." I said

"It wasn't my fault. Sylvia was singing in the car and things got a but crazy." Dahila said

"Well excuse me, chase atlantic was playing so what did you expect me to do." Sylvia said

"Well I would do the same thing if Taylor Swift was playing so your of the hook for now." I said

I returned for Southside just yesterday and after I kissed Lorenzo, I decided to ignore him the whole day.

But instead of it being just a day I ignored him for two whole week and I'm sure he was pissed. Since I was ignoring him I decide to do some research on the book I had found. While I was working in my bedroom I heard my father call my name, since his so called girlfriend was here I had no choice but to listen. I headed downstairs and my father was in the living room wearing a tuxedo, he never wore a tuxedo.


"Please don't tell me your marrying her." I said

"Yes I am, your dress is in your closet and be nice."

"But I-"

"You heard me Astoria. We don't have time to argue about this so be nice." He said

I just sighed softly before nodding my head and headed back upstairs to change. The dress was quite pretty. It was a purple dress with black flower design on it and I decided to wear white shoes with it. I went downstairs and we drove over to the wedding venue. I was used to the happening, my dad proposing to his girlfriend and doesn't even tell me when the wedding is happening until last minute.

We arrived at the venue and as I expected they were multiple people here, some of them were my father Co workers and friends while the others were people who were probably Celeste's friends and family. What I didn't expect was to see Lorenzo, his brother Luca and his uncle.

"Father, why are they here." I said

"I'm a good friend of their uncle and I invited him, stay away from the other two or else." He said leaving.

Oh great, how am I supposed to stay away when I literally made out with one of them.

Before the ceremony began I was walking around until I felt someone grab my waist and pull me into a room. I was pushed against the wall and his hand was on my waist while the other one was on the wall. "Tell me why you have been ignoring me for two fucking weeks princess." He said

I'm so fucked

Lorenzo was staring at me with his dark green eyes. He always had nice eyes but now I'm starting to realize how gorgeous they are.

"Hello Lorenzo, long time." I said

"Don't change the subject, answer the question."

"I want a prince charming and after kissing you it made me realize your not my prince charming or the hero of my dreams." I was definitely lying to myself but I needed him to stay away from me. He didn't seem offended about what I said instead he started smiling, god that smile was perfect. "So you would love me if I was a hero." He said

"Maybe." I said. I wasn't lying about that, as much as I loved the villains and anti-hero's in my books I never saw myself with one.

"Well maybe it's time I give you a really check about heroes princess." He said moving closer to me. "A hero would choose to sacrifice you just to save the world." His lips brushed against mine as his voice dropped.

"As for me, I would simply burn this world for you." He said before slamming his lips on mine kissing me deeply. I should have pushed him away but I didn't. I grabbed him by the collar and kissed him back, our kiss would have lasted longer but I heard someone clear their throat. We turned our heads to see Aiden standing by the door. Thank god it wasn't my father.

"The wedding is about to start so I'd suggest you wrap this up before people notice your both missing." He said before closing the door. Lorenzo kissed me one last time before he went to the door but he stopped for a second.

"I'd suggest you fix you lipstick before someone other than me see's you like this."  He said as he opened the door and closed to after. I took out my mirror and checked my lipstick.

I was a fucking mess. I quickly fixed it up before leaving and taking my seat in the front, the wedding finally started after ten minutes and there she was, Celeste was looking beautiful in her wedding dress and her hair was beautifully done. They said their vows and placed their rings on their fingers, they showed the crowd the rings and everyone was excited because of how beautiful they were but I realized something.

That wasn't just any ring.

It was my mother's ring

The others went to the banquet while I headed into her room to have a talk with her. Of all the rings my dad would choose, he choose my mother's ring.

"Hey Celeste." I said

"Oh hello Astoria, how are you doing."

"Not really good. First my dad didn't tell me until last minute that he was getting married and-"

"He gave me your mother's ring." She said

How did she know. I never told her and I'm sure my father never told her. "I could see it in your eyes. You were hurt, I know what tht feels like." She said before slipping off the ring and giving it to me.

"I don't want us to be enemies Astoria, I don't want you to feel like I'm trying to replace your mother, I would never try to do that." She sounded genuin and honestly, I believe her. "Maybe I wasn't ready to see my father move on so that's why I hated you." I said

"I know that. There other ways we can get along I don't want you to think I hate you." She said.

"Thank you." I said before leaving

This was probably one of my favorite chapters to make because of the ending and I will be making more scenes with them together.

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