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Seven years old...

May 31rst 2012

Today was our birthday. Our first birthday since our parents died. I never liked birthday's, I always thought of them being meaningless dates but for some reason my parents were able to make it special. Every year my parents would wake me and my brother up at 10am, would start singing so loud the neighbors would complain and would bring in a vanilla cake with chocolate icing. They knew I hated sweets but I still ate the cake for them. My sister was still young at the time so my mother would carry her but once she started walking she joined in as well and even jumped on our beds.

This year my uncle tried to do the same but he had a business trip to go to and we just had a birthday party with our friends and our aunt took care of us.

"Come on Lorenzo don't you wanna play with your friends." My aunt Loretta said

"I'm feeling a bit tired I'll join them in a bit."

She sighed before smiling slightly at me then she left the room leaving me inside. She knew I was lying, she knew I wasn't in the mood but she didn't force me to go. The whole time I just sat by the table, the only thing that ran through my mind was the day my parents died.

7 months ago....
"I'm gonna win." I said as I placed the letter on the scrabble boraf with my brother and younger sister, my sister was only 2 years younger than me and my brother while my brother and I were twins.

"Your gonna lose Lorenzo." My brother said, they managed to get back to the living room while I headed over to the bathroom. Even though I was as smart as my brother, my sister however was a fucking genius and my parents were convinced she would become a doctor or even a writer since she loves reading. After I used the bathroom I washed my hands and left the bathroom while walking back to the living room.

While I was walking back I heard a loud noise followed by my mother calling my name, I ran over there and saw my mother taking my siblings into the secret passageway while my father was holding on to the door. That's one thing I loved about our mansion, it was filled with secrets passages that we would use to play hide and seek. "Lorenzo get inside now." My mother said, she looked scared and worried, instead of asking questions I just went in and when I thought she was going to come with us she shut the door and locked it.

"Rose what the hell are you doing." My father said

"I put you in this mess, if you die I'm dying with you." She said

Put you in this mess. What does she mean. The door opened and our cat yowled and that triggered my sister. "We left Ginger out I have to save her." She said pressing the button to open the door, I tried going after her but someone shut the door. "Aiden what the heck." I whisper shouted. "We can't leave." He said. "It's been locked and can only be opened from the outside." He was right, Kathleen pressed the wrong button which locked Aiden and I, We can't open from the inside but the bad guy can open from the outside. I was looking around until I saw a familiar object, one of dad's guns. He always kept one in the room incase something bad happened. i grabbed it just incase they opened the passage.

𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄Where stories live. Discover now