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After I confronted Celeste about her connection with my mother I obviously told Lorenzo every single detail. Things were slowly starting to make sense but unfortunately we couldn't talk about it more since we were going to be distracted for the whole night.

The biggest party of the year was finally happening and every single senior from our school came for it. Including Lorenzo. I don't know what is worse: the fact I'm excited for a party or the fact I'm excited to see him. Its both weird and exciting cause ever since I kissed him, I've been feeling butterflies everytime I'm around him. I hated the fact I was liked him.

But at the same time I knew I loved it. I was getting ready a Sylvia's house with the other girls. Most of us were all here except for Evelyn, she hasn't been texting us for days and she hasn't been at school for three whole weeks. We did try to call her a couple times, even today we called her today but her phone just went straight to voicemail.

"Anything from Evie." Claire asked me

"Nope nothing, maybe we should check on her tomorrow." I said.

"Can't make it." Claire said. "I'll be pretty occupied."

"Busy with Jaxon." Sylvia said while curling her hair. "Nope, I'm spending the whole day applying for fashion universities."

"Of course you are. Your either with Jaxon or making dresses." Sylvia  said. She wasn't wrong about that but Claire did make sure to see us all the time. "Don't be fussy Sylve it's called love bsside, you'll experience it one day. Perhaps with Xavier."

"I think the fuck not. He-"

"He's just a friend." Dahila and I said at the same time. "Exactly. Besides boy come and they go, I on the other hand and available for everyone." Sylvia said. "Besides if I were to go for Xavier, it would be when I'm very desperate. Other than that I'd rather go for Kayvon, maybe even Lorenzo."

"Don't be ridiculous Sylvia, Lorenzo is for Tori." Dahila said turning towards me while I blushed at the mention of his name. "She's been all over him the whole week and I'm telling you he's probably dying to fuck-"

She didn't have time to finish her sentence before I threw a hairbrush at her. Of all the things Dahila would say she had to bring him up. "Wait please don't tell me your falling for him." Claire said

"Well I can't say I'm not, he seems different."

"That's apart of his game Tori, he's gonna break your heart soon."

"And what if he doesn't? Maybe he isn't always the bad guy. What if he is tired of people treating him like he's the villain of their stories. Have you ever thought about that." I said to her. That's obviously kept her mouth shut cause she turned around and continued doing her eyeliner.

I was getting sick of people telling what to do and what not to do. I want to write my own destiny. Why is it so hard for people to except that but I've made it clear that tonight, I would be writing my story.

Even if it means losing all my friends then so be it.

The room where the masquerade party took place was not just fancy but it made all fancy events look like a joke. They were velvet curtains by the windows as well as chandeliers hangings from the ceiling. There was a table filled with food and a bar at the side of it. A few kids were making out with each other while some were just drinking until they couldn't remember this night. Probably cause the people they wanted to take to this party ended up going with someone else.

Most of my friends left me the second we entered the room. Claire obviously went to go see Jaxon, Sylvia was talking to another guy so I was left with Dahila. She hasn't dated any since she broke up with Luca so she's probably one of the people in this group who can actually control herself around guys. "Atleast you didn't leave me." I said to her

"I have no interest being around any boy from this school. Besides, I love your company."

"So I'm assuming your gonna act like Sylvia and Claire."

"Not necessarily, I agree with the fact he could be playing you but at the same time I believe that maybe he does like you."

"So if I were to date him what would you say?"

"I'd be fine with that, I just don't wanna see you getting hurt." And here I thought she was gonna side with them. Seems like she would mind me going for him even though he is her ex's twin brother. Speaking of the devil, Lorenzo walked towards us while we were talking and without saying a word he grabbed me and pulled me to the dance floor. "What the hell Russo?"

"Is it a crime for me to steal you away."

"Yes actually, I was talking to my friend and now she's by herself. Next time you should use your brain before you proceed to do something. Now then." I paused for a second before talking calmly to him. "Please explain to me why you pulled me away from my friend?"

He stretched out his hand infront of me before saying words I never thought I would hear. "Dance with me, blonde?" He asked. Obviously I wasn't going to say yes that easily so I made sure to make him beg. "Is this the way you ask all girls to dance with you? Why don't you ask me nicely like the so-called gentleman you are." I said to him.

Surprisingly he was calm about it and just laughed softly before asking me again. Would you like to dance with me princess."

"Much better Mr Russo and yes, I'd love to dance with you." I answered him as we headed to the dance floor holding hands as we started dancing. "Aren't you afraid of what people would say about us." I asked him. If the rumors about the bet were true then I'm pretty sure he wouldn't wanna be around me much. Especially in an event like this. "Why would I be afraid. I don't care about people's opinions and I never will. Why's that Princess."

"Well, people are assuming that all this, is just a bet." I said. Maybe this would make things easier especially because even I was curious. "Why would I want to place a bet on you. Just because I treated you like shit a a kid doesn't mean I intend to stay that way." He said. "I want us to start things over again, start a new chapter of our lives."

Hold up a second. Does he regret all the things he did to me as a kid. Even though I got over all that, I still couldn't forgive him for what he did to be in the nighth grade. It was just to painful so I didn't talk much about it but he actually wants to start things over. That's really sweet of him. "Alright, so what doesn't that make us cause we aren't even dating."

"Let me tell you something. I may not be your boyfriend and you may not be my girlfriend but I can assure you that I don't wanna see you around any other guy but me. I want you all to myself and its killing me." He said to me. I'm not supposed to feel this way but I do. "Then make me yours." I whispered to him. I didn't plan on having sex with him anytime now but tonight I felt like I could trust him. I'm just hoping he won't break my heart.

"If I do that, just know there's no going back."

"I'm willing to take that risk." I said to him. Next thing I know, he starts to pull me closer to him before he kisses me like no one was watching and I kissed him back with no hesitatation. We both knew that everyone would see us but we weren't worried about that at the time. All we seemed to care about was who we were dancing with and who we ended up kissing tonight.

This chapter was supposed to be a smut scenes but I would end up being to long so I had to cut it short.

But next chapter however, will definitely be their first sex scene together.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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