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"This better be worth it Lorenzo, if she finds out that her mother's death is connected to your parents death the hell will break loose." Ryder's dad said to him.

What does he mean all hell would break lose and why is my mother's death connected to Lorenzo's parents death. "I know, I'll be careful with her. Besides I'll be able to throw her off the case if she gets to close to finding the truth."

The truth

Truth about what exactly. I know it was bad to eavesdrop on conversations but once I heard my mother in it I knew I had to pay attention to it. I eventually heard his footsteps and moved away from the door so he didn't suspect anything he got outside and turned to me.

We can go now princess we have lots of things to do tomorrow." He said

I hated that he insisted on calling me princess, fuck being a princess I'm a fucking queen and I'm getting tired of people treating me like a princess. For once in my life I wanted someone to treat me like an actual human being. Eventually I started feeling a pain in my stomach which normally meant one thing.

"I'm hungry." I said

"There is food in your hotel room."

"I want a proper meal, we skipped lunch because we were busy and it's almost eight so I want food."

"Not happening."

"God your so annoying." I said kicking his seat.

"Your a child you know that." He said

"Your acting like you hate stubborn girls." I said before taking out my phone and texting the girls since they wanted an update on all this. After a while I heard a noise from a drive thru, "One cheeseburger with regular fries and a strawberry milkshake." He says

He knows my order.

But how, I only went out with my friends and clearly never him. "How do you know my order." I asked him.

"I always see you around the mall eating the same thing so I just assumed that you love that meal."

He sees me around the mall, how the hell does that happen. He must have seen me many times to see me eating the exact same meal from the same restaurant. It sweet he actually cares about me.

Don't say that Astoria he's probably targeting you like ever single girl he had had sex with, but then again maybe it's different this time, maybe he actually cares about me. My heart started beating as I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. I'm probably just hungry so that's probably the reason why I feel this way.


We arrived back at the hotel and headed to our rooms, since it was late I decided to take a quick shower before I decided to call my friends and update them on some more drama.


"How the bet going." Jaxon said

"I haven't fallen for her yet, seems like you can't wait for me to lose." I said

"Im simply proving a point. I know you want her."

"I wouldn't say that your point is correct but you say whatever gets you to sleep at night."

"Rude anyways I have to go now, I have plans."

"Sneaking around with your little secret."

"You know it."

We ended the call and I placed my phone on the stand near my bed before removing my clothes and heading into the shower. I turned on the shower and closed my eyes as the water ran down my body but as soon as I closed them all I could see what her. The way her clothes complimented her body, even though she was just wearing a white shirt and jeans I could still see her luscious curves.

Imagine how she would look on top of me. My hands around her waist. I shouldn't be thinking about her like that but sometimes she's just runs though my mind like a fucking disease. Eventually I opened my eyes and got out of the shower and changed before getting into bed.

I tried to sleep but I couldn't, Simply because I knew that I was lying to Jaxon, I already realised that I had a thing for her cause i know all her favourite foods and restaurants. I already knew it, just like I know that she loves sweet desserts but hates chocolate because it's bitter so she only eats white chocolate or that she loves cats and rabbits but doesn't like dogs.

I knew alot about her but I simply choose to watch her in silence. I didn't mind the idea of loving her, it's just something I never intended to go back on.

I loved this chapter because as much as Lorenzo pretends to hate her, he still hasn't realised that he really loves her.

𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄Where stories live. Discover now