part (1)

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Author pov :

Y/n the girl who left her hometown for succeed in life. She has a big dream. She wants to fullfil her dreams so she came here (dream county) for studies , so that she'll get her dream job.

She's living there in her friend home for some time until she find herself one. No one wants to give her any place to live. Because there people are living as a couple or as a roommate. She don't get any roommate for herself.

So today She left for her university. It's her first time on a new journey. She also excited and also nervous. Her friend welcomed her with a smile.

Bri: hey what's up 👋🏻🙋🏻‍♀️

Y/n: hey , little bit if nervous.🙂

Bri: wae it's oke, everything will be fine oke.

Y/n: oke. 👌🏻

They were going to the locker to keep they're belongings but someone was hurriedly running so y/n bumped and fell on the group with him. Everyone was looking at them that what happen. He who bumped her noticed and get up fastly. He gave his hand to her for help but y/n jerked it.

Y/n: "ahh first time first accident. Can't you watch out before running". She was mumble but it was audible for him.
Taehyung: Ne ??
Y/n: nothing. ☺️ she was making faces her friend come and take her from there. She's a calm girl. But she get more irritated and hipper when someone talk about her something unrelated make fun of her.

Taehyung: "Who Is she? Is she's new one ? is she is that transfererd student"? He was asked to his bestie hyungshik.
Hyungshik: "maybe now let's go to the class".

While bickering they went to their classroom and sat at they're sit.

After a while the teacher came to start the class.
Teacher: "Hello dearest student's. So today we have a new transferred student here and be nice with her everyone, please y/n you can come to the class now". "Would you like to say something"?? Said teacher,
Y/n: no sir it's oke 😂
Teacher: "okay then please sit next to bri".

Y/n pov:
After The teacher introduced me to everyone and told me to sit next to my friend. I somehow feel both exited and nervous. The next thing I noticed that the guy with whom I bumped he was staring at me from the behind

 The next thing I noticed that the guy with whom I bumped he was staring at me from the behind

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and I feel some awkward then asked to my friend about him.
Y/n: "isn't he the same person"??
Bri: "who ?? "Whom are you talking about"?!
Y/n: "that guy behind us".
Bri: "Ohh he, the popular boy, or you can say a bad boy. He's an artist an athletic also he is and a pervert too and bullying nerds sometimes, depends on his mind".
I was too stanned after hearing that he's a allrounder.

After the class we went to the canteen for the lunch. he was staring at me the whole class but why what's the reason I even don't know either.

Taehyung pov:
I will get my revenge because you made me Belittles to everyone.


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