Part 6

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Still arguing on the open door

Tae: "What are you doing here"?

Hyungshik: "With wearing pajamas and even eating "

Yn: "Excuse me, but what are you doing here at this time and with the luggage and stuff "?

Tae: "I'm shifting here"


Ajuma: "Ya ya kids don't fight please"

Yn: "Ajuma what are you doing here? and what are they doing here too at this hour I don't get it" .?

Ajuma: "I told at first that if you have to live here you have to live with a roommate right? Then you didn't find anyone to live with you. He also looking for home but need one person as a roommate. So I told him that this house already found someone just need another one so I decided to add him. "

Yn: "But you haven't told me that it's a guy and ,"

Tae: "Ajuma told me That my roommate is a girl but didn't mentioned your name".

Yn: "EXACTLY . If you told me his name early I will not shift there and I don't care if it's a guy but I don't want to live with him".

Ajuma: "ENOUGH" I don't care about anything just live yourself.

Yn: But ?

Ajuma: "No but's yn and yes Taehyung you can live here as long as you can".

Then ajuma left and Taehyung went inside the house with hyungshik and arrange his things and room. Yn was staring at them with boiling eyes. Then his Friend hyungshiki left and he became alone for his stuff to be settled.

Tae: "Hey , yn come help me with this, I can't work alone".

Yn: (rolls her eyes) "do it yourself".

Tae: holding her wrist " Yn did you forgive me, I feel really sorry, please".

Yn: "if I say no what are you going to do" ? Hit me, beat me , bully, make fun of me that's it right?. Please, I think now you know that I have a Haphephobia (touching phobia)."

He left her hand after remembering her phobia.

Tae: "I'm sorry"

Yn: "It's oke, mistakes happen but don't do it more it can make it worse sometimes. And also I will forget everything so you too and I accept your forgiveness".

Taehyung doesn't know what to say he was dumbfounded and amazed by her acts.

Yn: "Here 🍜 you can eat this, maybe you are hungry but too shy to tell, have it " and take a rest I know you too feel exhausted after packing staff and arranging it to place".

Tae: Yn I ,

Yn: " Ne , if you need anything feel free to tell me. Ask me whatever you want cause now we are roommates" we can't argue or fight every time."

She left him there to her shared room and thinking that whats comes come to her nothing to say and have to bear anything on her life.

Tae to himself in his mind:
It's ok, she's fine just need some time to move. She's alone don't have friends except one. We need sometimes to get close. We'll be better than that and more than friend

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