Part 4

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After packing staff yn were about to leave. Her friend helped her to the car, she sat on driver seat and was about to waving 👋🏻 at bri .

Yn: "Ok I'm letting go, I'm leaving."

Bri: "Yaaa don't say you leaving. You not leaving just shifting another house" 😒

Yn: "yeah whatever 😂😒 oke bye. And don't worry I'll be fine. Also come whenever you feel free". ☺️

Bri: "Of course, cause I also don't want you to live there all alone at times".

Yn: "Hm oke, jal gayo" 👋🏻

Bri: "bye" 😭 ( making crying face ).

Yn: Yahh wae ulyeoseo . I'm not dying yet okei. Btw I'm coming to university meet me there bestie.

Bri: Wahh jinja, yeah oke bye I'm waiting.

Then yn left the place and went to the newest one. She put her stuffs, she left her belongings and started arranging everything at its places after that she then slowly got ready for the university and left the home.

There Taehyung and his gangs were playing cards on class room with each other and yn friend bri was waiting for her "when will she come" she was chanting which was Heard from one of the gang members.

Woo: "are you waiting for someone here"??

Bri: rolls her eyes.

Then she looked back at the place and her yn come. Everyone was looking at her because she had not come her for so long.
Yn went to her friend and hugs her as she hugged her as if she had been missing for or haven't seen each other for a long time. Then she looked at her seat which are Taehyung but he wasn't there yet.

Hyungshik: "Wahh you came, but Taehyung maybe not coming today".

Yn: "I'm coming because I haven't come in a while and I'm not coming because of him who kicked me out of the class". (Everyone was wooing on the class)

Hyungshik: "Listen it's your choice it's your class too . I haven't said that you come for or to see him. I just asked because after that day he also felt guilty, he didn't want to kick you out . It happened unintentionally".

Thud ( door opened revealed Taehyung ) and his eyes went to you , then the teacher also came behind him.

Teacher: "move aside Kim" tae went to hyungshik then to his seat which are next to yn and sat there.

Hyungshik: "She came after a long time and started arguing already".

Tae: "What happened? Did anything happen again"

Hyungshik: "I tell you after the class ends or she will be kicked out again"

Tae: "Ne".

Taehyung sat next to yn cause it's his seat he can't change it . Then the class starts and yn was listening to the teacher lecture but can't concentrate on it because he tae was staring at her the whole time.

Thud **

Yn: "mam can I change my place to another"?

Mam: "Why what happened with that", please don't make any scene again yn or else you know"

Yn: "No mam it's oke".

Tae: "Why didn't you come to the university". (Yn didn't say anything) "Oke after the class ends we can talk oke".

Yn in mind: "what happened to him?? Did he lost his memory "??

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